For me, it is not about letting myself down. It is about letting others down.

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That's a beautiful sentiment.

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This is so timely, as I've recently been wondering if I'm on the right path for my life, is this what I'm meant to do, who I'm meant to be? What about the relationships that have changed or even faded completely after life events and then the pandemic caused physical distance? I'm a believer in signs, and I got one loud and clear this week that things will settle, and it will be okay. Sometimes I have difficulty with being patient and letting things play out - I feel as though I should be doing more to direct the course of my life, when I really need to just let it be for a while. Wise words from John Lennon.

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Ahh let it be. Well, I for one cannot wait to see what you become.

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you are a beautiful person, all of you. i've certainly felt this way many times, many long episodes or seasons in my life, years even, decades even. at the present i am grateful that i feel more like i'm ok just being myself, and i don't have to do more than that or do anything in particular to be enough. i know the feeling won't last but i'm grateful while it lasts. for now it feels enough to just be present each day, interact with my immediate loved ones with kindness and attention, and it's probably ok if i don't save the world or become terribly meaningful in the eyes of anyone else.

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You rock. I hope you know this. I think giving kindness Is saving the world, just does it very slowly. :)

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I often feel like I am meant to be something more, but I don’t know if that is residual from when I was younger, or if I’ve made it. I look at what I’ve done and places I’ve been and people tell me it’s so much, but I feel like I’m only getting started?

I guess I’m torn. I also find myself not looking into my own eyes in the mirror— at least not past a glance. I haven’t really thought about it until now. This has gotten me thinking today, maybe I can write it out and find some answers

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I think it's entirely acceptable to feel like you're just getting started. It means you'll accomplish so much More. It also makes me feel weirdly good that someone else doesn't look in their own eyes!

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Yes I do this every day.... as a teacher there is this constant pouring out of love, energy, passion, and labor.... and yet I never feel as if it is enough. I am not sure if that is a standard I set on myself fully or something I have carried for years.... I even have the word “Enough” tattooed on me, but it is almost like that embodiment makes me forget the forgiveness and understanding I already bestowed on myself

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First, thank you for all your work and effort. Second, I'm SURE it's enough, but goodness I relate to this. I always feel like I'm not doing enough.

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Thank you that means a lot to me💛

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I do this a lot. Sometimes I wonder... if it wasn't for this physical body holding containing my spirit, what and who would I be? I certainly wouldn't be as afraid or self conscious as I am now. Lately I've been trying to step into my personal power and really embody the energy I know is there .. However, things and growth happen in divine timing so I really just sit back and try to follow my growth patterns, at least that's what I've been doing lately.

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I mostly wonder if I'm using all my talents and skills to their fullest ability. Am I doing work that benefits the world and people in the best way I alone am able? Is there a part of me I'm meant to be using or finding that will help me bring my fullest skills to bear for what I'm meant to give to the world? Or am I too caught up to notice something?

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These are such admirable questions to ask yourself, my goodness. This says so much about your person.

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I believe that talents and skills help us make a living, but gifts help us make a life. What are your particular gifts? And gifts, I find, are the consequence of the unique experiences, often challenging, that we've endured that offer us a unique perspective that we in turn can share in service to the whole.

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Wow, thank you all for such a beautiful outpouring of yourselves! I will spare you the details of how I ended up here, but I'm a Self-actualization Advisor. I help people come back to their innate wholeness and find and trust their inner wisdom. Tyler, from what I can tell, you're right where you need to be...I knew it when I stumbled onto Chasers of the Light in Powell's Books years ago. Because I'm an intuitive healer and an empath, I feel into people's truth. Your truth is all over your work. You may want to reach more people and be in service to a greater degree, but sometimes that's really just about divine timing. I believe you actualize the wholeness within yourself every time you write...it's there on the page: the wholeheartedness, the generosity, the curiosity, the reverence, the respect for the sacredness of life, the vulnerability, the love. They are palpable enough that I hope you can start to see them as a self-image. 💗

The lucky ones are the ones that question....they're the ones who know their soul is calling out for acknowledgement and actualization. All steps towards that deep inner knowing that "we've arrived" occur incrementally. We can often feel as though we're fumbling along until one day we wake and know our truth for certain. The question should be why? Why do I do what I do? If the answer isn't love, then it's likely not in alignment with our soul. If the answer is love, then keep going, all things will be revealed in time. ❤️

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COVID isolation has caused more introspective thinking than I'd anticipated. I'm feeling stuck as I try to write and pursue my own writing career, yet torn between finding a job to "pay the bills". Writer's block is my roommate and has been for awhile but these 8 months shame me that it hasn't happened more. This community is a real gift! Tyler, your ability to reach out to all of us is fantastic. I am also feeling helpless to make a difference in this world, especially with another lockdown possibility out here.

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I wonder all the time. I have been constantly trying to “better” myself since elementary school. While some of this might be about me needing to just accept things about myself, I like that I’m conscious enough to try to be kinder, gentler, softer. I want to make everyone I meet feel special and heard and seen. I want to leave the world a better place. What could be wrong about that?

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