As always, you're a delight! Sarah, my granny's trick with the hot water bottle was to put it into my bed where my feet would be about 20-30 minutes before I'd go to sleep, so that my whole body would be toasty as I drifted off to slumber. In my household, my son and I each have our own bottle (inside a sweater 😉) that gets used for this purpose in the winter, because it feels like the ultimate comfort and if the feet are warm, getting into a cold bed doesn't feel quite so jarring.

I can attest to the rules for being outside, as I've been a regular hiker since back when I lived in Santa Fe, New Mexico in my 20's. I start every morning with a 4-mile loop in Central Park and I've learned that every day is better for the connection to nature. So, wishing you clear skies and snow-free paths ahead, so your souls can feel the deep inner fulfillment!

Have a beautiful weekend! I love you! ❤️

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That's such a granny trick, and I love it so much. You're so damn right, every day, connect to nature. Every, single, day. Have a magic weekend, we love you!

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So many of those 11 most romantic places are on my bucket list too! I'm bookmarking that page and really hoping to go to Ireland this year!

It's going to be a "chilly" weekend in South Carolina and I wish we had a hot water bottle like that for camping! I'm participating in a 30 hours trail race and we'll be camping this time too! Jim will get to complete his first "ultra-marathon" distance with me!! I'm not as prepared physically as usual, but we'll get many speed hiking miles in over 30 hours, with lots of campfire fun and camping in between! I wish I could send some sunshine and warmth your way! Hope y'all have a wonderful weekend!

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Ahh Maureen, Ireland is magic. We'll be there in June if you end up there too! And as for chilly, I woke today to a -14°F temp again. Yikes. Tell Jim best of luck, and best of luck to you, too!

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I think we will be there beginning July 18th through a week and a half and then stopping over in Iceland! It was a brisk 36F-55F weekend in the woods, but we completed 45 miles and I enjoyed listening to the Sunday Signalfire podcast back on the trails Sunday morning! Thank you!!

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I can attest to the benefits of hand holding. Both personally and professionally. I am a Reiki master and have volunteered at a hospice giving Reiki to patients. There are all sorts of obstacles to doing a full on, flat on the table session, so I would simply hold the persons hand while we chatted, or they even slept. Giving Reiki in this manner seemed more intimate to me and therefore, more caring somehow. The patient appreciated it, one so much so that when he saw me entering the room, he would put his hand out to be held. Unfortunately, because of the pandemic, a lot of programs like the one I was in, shut down.

Nice to now that even without the flow of Reiki, it was still valuable thing I was doing.

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Wow Gayle, hearing this hands-on (pun sorta intended?) confirmation that it does in fact work, and work wonders, is amazing and so reassuring. What a beautiful thing.

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We have lived in Wisconsin for almost 60 years. At the beginning of April, we are moving to Costa Rica. I am looking forward to NO MORE WINTERS! We will be building a house. If it ever gets finished, you can come for a winter visit :).

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I. Am. So. Jealous. Will you be by the sea? I want to live there and surf so badly it hurts.

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We will be by the Pacific Ocean in Nosara, CR. We won’t be on the beach (it is not allowed to build on the beach there). We will be up in the hills overlooking the sea.

Nosara is a HUGE surfing town. Most people are up by 5:00 a.m. so that they can be surfing ASAP (before work).

Let’s keep in touch. We have no idea when the building will be finished. We WILL have a guest area. You are more than welcome to visit (preferably during the cold and snowy part of the year 😊).

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Perhaps, you could write me a poem when you visit? Something like:

Roses are Red.

Violets are Blue.

I enjoy the ocean.

So do you.

I would proudly display that in a place of prominence in our home.

(Food for thought. I'm no poet :).)

And, of course, Lady G is just as welcome as you.

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A friend recently ended up in the burn unit after her hot water bottle opened up on her and caused severe third degree burns so be careful that the water isn’t super boiling and always leave some space for expansion and make sure it’s very well shut and probably don’t sit on it even if your buns are freezing and it seems like a temping idea to warm them up!

This is my contribution for the week!

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Oooh, this is actually really scary and helpful. I'll relay! Oof.

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