
Howdy fools. Gonna have to go quicker than usual on today’s, as we’re going to be shooting a photoshoot downtown for our friend and local business owner, Laura. Next week we’ll slow things down a spell, I promise, but after receiving literally 24 inches of snow over the last 2 days, we’re plum tuckered out. Still, you deserve links. Onto em.

This place is my favorite place, and I need your support to keep it alive. Consider upgrading?!:

Here’s the scoop, kids:

Lord G’s Finds:

  1. 11 Most Romantic Small Towns In Europe - V-Day was just the other day, and dammit, romance is still thick in the air, right? Here’s the 11 most romantic small towns all over Europe, and I wanna go to them all. We’ve been to two, Killarney and driven through Ham, and I’ll vouch for em. You have a favorite romantic spot WE need to go to? Ring in in the comments!

  2. Student Accidentally Invents Rechargeable Battery Good For 400 Years?! - Once again, Science wins. This kid mixed some gold nanowire, some weird manganese dioxide, and some sort of gel that was made out of plexiglass (clearly I am not a scientist) and somehow, SOMEHOW, made a friggen battery that might just be good on a single charge for 400 years. Imagine how long we can scroll TikTok NOW?! Go science.

  3. The Amazing Benefit Of Holding Hands - Lady G and I are hand holders, and after reading this article, we both felt pretty darn good about that fact. New research is showing that simply holding hands with your loved ones, can reap immense benefits. Everything from lower blood pressure, less stress, pain reduction, and longevity. Hot damn, time for some 6th grade PDA baby. Start holding those hands!

    Image via Washington Post
  4. The Hopper in Helena, MT - Sarah and I have not been able to eat at a restaurant together in this town, our HOMETOWN, ever. Literally ever. With my food allergies, no one here has been able to, or willing to, serve us. Until today. The Hopper is a local joint that went above and beyond today, and made me my own custom dredge for chicken tenders and french fries, and it was both heavenly, AND safe! I’m still alive! Now, finally, we can have date nights at a restaurant like normal people. Phew.

  5. Why Do All A24 Movies Look Like “That” - Good question, glad you asked. Now we know, this video is super insightful, and shows the brains and beauty behind the studio that pumps out absolute brilliant films. This video is worth a gander. Trust me.

Lady G’s Finds:

  1. Old Lady Hot Water Bottle - Yes, it comes with its own adorable little sweater. Yes, I use it all the damn time. Thank you so much to Anna B-Nana for turning me onto this. Now, I can be cozy no matter the torrential snowstorm outside. Bliss. Absolute bliss. Order one. Seriously.

  2. Everything All At Once by Steph Catudal - Our dear friend Steph wrote this stunning book about her unbelievable and harrowing experience when her husband Rivs was diagnosed, and nearly died, from a very rare lung cancer. For anyone, that would be insanely challenging, but he is a professional runner, and so the tendrils of devastation went even deeper. This is how she held it ALL together. Stunning.

  3. The 20-5-3 Rule For Mental Health - What if you could be prescribed the perfect minimum amount of time to be outside to reap benefits ranging from mental health, to physical? What if I told you it’s as easy as remembering 20-5-3? It is. IT truly is. Read into this to get the nitty gritty, and start getting your buns outside. It’s time. It’s been time.

  4. 5 Functional Spices To Add To Your Meal Plan - There are spices that do magic things, and those magic things make more than just your taste buds happy. They make your whole body better, they make your mind better, and they are little magic things that we all should be eating more of, adding to our diets in whatever ways we can. From Cinnamon to Turmeric, these are some of the best. How can YOU add them into Your life?

  5. Fika Buns Recipe - From my very favorite book, Bread Song, comes this recipe that is more of a lifestyle than anything else. In Sweden, every day in the afternoon, they take a break to have a coffee or a tea and a treat, usually a Fika bun. Even the VOLVO plant does it, so you know it’s legit. I just followed this recipe and they are so tasty, and the break in the afternoon is so very, very necessary. Give them a try!

    Image via Mark Lord
  6. Typewriter Series ORIGINAL Sale - Thank you ALL that participated in the first Typewriter Series Original Sale! We MIGHT just be making this a weekly tradition, but what we’d love, is to add in more poems that you all want. SO, here’s your chance, if there’s any you’ve been eyeing or really wanna own the original of, either let me know in here, or shoot me an email and I can just tell you the price. It’s a subscriber perk, for certain.

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