Who Am I?
I am Tyler Knott Gregson, a nationally best-selling poet, Goodreads Choice finalist author, traveling photographer of weddings, adventure elopements, lifestyle, and fine-art landscapes, Buddhist, and proud Autistic. To find out more about me, head to chasersofthelight.com or if you’re so inclined, follow me on those silly socials @TylerKnott.
This Is A Signal Fire
This is a spark of light that’s gonna burn bright against the darkness, weekly writing, poetry, photography, advice, and creative inspiration on how to chase the light, embrace the dark, and find all the miracles in the mundane, delivered to your email inbox. This is an escape from the negativity that bombards you in the form of social media, politics, finances, and whatever it is to be an adult in this day and age. This is a Signal Fire in the night sky, a call back home. If this sounds like what you’re after, I’d love if you joined me here:
Why Should I Sign Up?
If that message above didn’t light your damn fire and make you wanna scream FREEDOM across the Silicon Valley of all things social medias, then I have failed you. Bottom line, sign up to receive all the art I create, all the poetry and photography all the inspiration, directly to your inbox so you don’t have to go looking for it. No algorithms, no computer telling you what you should see, just you, and just me. Here’s what you can expect:
Signal Fire: The Sunday Edition - Delivered every Sunday, a deep-dive essay on all things culture, inspiration, life, technology, poetry, spirituality, and navigating life from my Autistic mind.
The Matchbook - The weekly wrap-up video podcast of all things that I, and my lovely wife Sarah Linden Gregson, found interesting, beautiful, noteworthy, or fun. We also have special guest stars from time to time. It’s fun. Really fun.
If It’s Free, Why Pay To Subscribe?
I’ve been giving my art away for free on the Internets for over 20 years, and to be completely honest, the only way I’m going to be able to keep creating is through your support. I can’t keep the lights on here without a few of you joining the paid community and treating it like a pledge to keep the Signal Fire going. I spend more time than you’d ever believe on this place, and it’s the labor of love that is my life. If you wanna help keep it going, it costs 14¢ a day, and truly changes my life.
Plus, on top of that, you get some extras:
Weekly post for Paid Subscribers Only - This is either The Kindling, a weekly writing prompt where you get to share your work with me, Worry Knott, my Dear Abby-style advice column, or….
NEW Typewriter Series poems - This Signal Fire is the ONLY place I’m releasing brand new, never-before-read Typewriter Series poetry, and doing deep dives behind them. No where else.
You also get Good karma, for one, and if that isn’t enough, jump behind the paywall and you get full access to this Signal Fire and the entire community of light chasers, and well, Me, behind the scenes. I’ll be interacting, discussing, engaging, and spreading these sparks right there with you. In addition, I’m going to be giving LIVE book readings/Q&A sessions and behind the scenes peeks at craft every month. You’ll be helping me put food on the table, and letting me continue making this far away from the social medias that have been dragging us down. 10 years I spent making a lot of money for Instagram and Facebook, it’s time to work for myself. Damn the man, let’s connect.
Stay up-to-date
Now, you’ll never again have to worry about missing a single typewriter series poem, meditation, video, haiku, or anything else. No more doom-scrolling and hoping you randomly stumble upon one of my posts in the endless sea of sponsored posts! Every new edition of the newsletter goes directly to your inbox, which makes reading my work as simple as checking your email each morning. Besides, aren’t we all spending far too much time on social media anyways? Let’s take back our time.
Chase the Light
I really do want you to be part of a community of people who share your interests, who believe that there’s always room for hope, and who spend their lives seeking out all those miracles in the mundane, away from the things of man, chasing that light.