I told my husband the other day that this is the first year that I haven’t really felt the seasonal depression that I’ve had since being a teenager. I think I can attribute that to therapy, medication, and trying to keep my toddler busy and entertained by *going* somewhere every day.

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Oooh, toddler trips! I remember those (my kids are grown). Pet stores. Construction sites. Worm rescues on the sidewalk after a heavy rain. Toddlers are the best present-moment teachers.

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They truly are!!

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I can’t wait until the clocks go ahead next week. I always feel like I have made it out the other side when we suddenly get a whole extra hour of light in the evening. I wish they would stay this way all year.

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Quinn, I can't tell you how happy it makes me to hear this. Seriously. Well, well, well, well done.

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I love that tea is the first one the list. I also believe tea always helps! Such a small but mighty thing. Thank you for the list 🙌

Reading poetry also helps me a lot. I can choose which poet speaks to what I'm currently feeling and makes me feel less alone.

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Tea is the soother of all souls. I'll always believe this. And yes, to the poetry. Always poetry.

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“I know about myself that there exists within me two things in a proportion probably higher than most: Silence, and Darkness.” I felt every word of this. Your list feels like my own, but I’d add music to mine. I have an arsenal of tunes that resonate with me. I play them through my headphones, loud. Personal playlists are even better. It feels like the concert of your dreams staged just for you. Music has pulled me through some tough times. If you are not into music, movies can do the same. Offer an escape, a message, hope. I say if something offers you hope, do that.

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YES! Same. "the concert of your dreams staged just for you". Love that.

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Amen. I am a habitual playlist maker. I've got a zillion, all tailored to a specific mood, age, time period, theme, etc. Music is the biggest thing I hold on to when everything around me is chaos.

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Music is a constant in our lives here. Constant. I don't know if there are 20 minutes that go by without it. Well said.

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I needed to read this SO MUCH today. Not only did I test positive for covid yesterday after an exhausting week, but I have been riddled with anxiety about work (a constant anxiety for me that seems to be imposter syndrome, but to me is very, very real). The reminder to float and be gentle to myself was perfect.

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OH NO! Please let us know how you're feeling and keep us posted ok?! Float. Be gentle.

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Thank you! So far pretty ok!

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A perfect Sunday Edition for me today. I woke up feeling that darkness, that powerlessness creeping in. But this was a great reminder, and your list very closely resembles mine! Seems like in a world full of chaos and so many things I cannot control, the one thing I CAN do is care for myself. Most of my current efforts in life are going into keeping my fire alive. I've been feeling the overwhelm of life, loss, jobs, money (and lack thereof), the broken systems we are slave to...So turning inward and focusing on me has been a real life saver. And your wisdom is a wonderful throughline that I can use as my guide. Thank you.

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I love that our list is the same, that makes total sense actually haha. Thank YOU.

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Love this one. I think I'm going to listen to this again in my car during my morning commute this week! All of yours also work for me. Here's a few I'll add:

Dance in your livingroom to a high octane song that expresses exactly how you feel. Repeat. Again.

Amplify your misery but put boundaries around it: like, I'm going to cry my face off while journaling my sorrow for one hour, and then take a shower and get on with my day.

Attend a support group for people who have been through exactly what you're going through, even if just virtual. It helps so much to be in a room with people who just get it without having to explain.

Give in. Have a wallow in the mud day. Jammies, comfort food, preferably a furry companion, soft blankies, maybe have a friend send check in texts, maybe podcasts that offer comfort for your issue, maybe also watch a sad movie. But just give in from time to time. Surrender. Make room for it. Befriend your misery (again, with boundaries. It's not the only thing worth paying attention to.)

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Good advice! Like the dancing suggestion!

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I love these additions! Sarah FULL ON agrees with the dancing one. I love the idea of putting boundaries around misery, that's such a wise thing. Wow.

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Tyler, thank you for sharing this with us today. One thing that helps to anchor me is to get my feet on the earth outside, even if it's for a handful of minutes. Standing on the earth and listening to the surrounding noise helps my soul to be pulled away from the darkness. I hope everyone reading this has a wonderful week!

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Meredith you're so right on the money with this suggestion, seriously. Grounding is vital. Hopefully our ground thaws soon.

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Sunday Scaries! I needed this today. Thanks!

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As always, my pleasure!

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Agree with your list- need to work on substituting tea for alcohol. Being outside and exercising are key for me- it means I’m making time for myself, I feel better and it just loops from there. I also agree with the people who mentioned music and reading-they can transport you away. Being creative in some way or learning about something- doing this can help us feel that there is more in our lives than the treadmill of the everyday. And as corny or simplistic as it sounds, I think that developing a grateful attitude in good times is something you can draw on when things do become dark.

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Tea for alcohol is such a quick fix, and such a healthy one. I love this, and I love your idea of the grateful attitude, so often that part gets left behind.

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100% going to try tea as a sub for alcohol, as it’s so easy to fall into the wine & spirits routine without it truly helping my spirits.

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For me it has always been

1). Music

2). Reading

3). Writing

Please fill me in on what types of tea you guys drink.

I'd like to try that one. 👌🏼

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I am also a Tea Person.

This quote: Be gentle, expect nothing, celebrate everything. -- Tyler, I saved this in my phone because it is perfect and it encapsulates the life I want but sometimes struggle to have the mindset for. So thank you very much!!!

On being creative/adding to your list.... Honestly, adult colouring books. Old Me would laugh at that -- when they first became trendy I scoffed at the notion because I am someone who has drawn and painted my whole life. It felt like such a silly notion to me.... But I have come to learn that in times of darkness, it can be really hard to tap into creativity and drawing or painting "from scratch" seems like way too much energy. So I tried an adult colouring book and now it is an amazing tool that I can use to get my hands and brain going through the motions of being creative and that is enough to satisfy that part of my brain.... and sometimes it sparks the creativity enough that I can go and create my own thing but even on the days it doesn't, it just feels good to see colour on paper beneath my weary fingertips. 10/10 recommend to anyone in the same boat, or anyone who feels like they are "not creative" and want a gentle nudge and a quick, easy, accessible hobby to try.

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You are so welcome. Just know you're never alone, ok? Never ever.

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