Kissing is so underrated. 😘

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Well said.

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Damn. I love this.

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Magic. Straight up magic.

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Great subject, made me smile.

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For seventeen years, the husband has tried his absolute best to kiss me by surprise.

Routinely, I am shocked by his choice of strategy, when to make a run for it, or what hair's breadth between words in a conversation he’ll find satisfactory to jump-scare me into a kiss. There has only been one, truly successful supplanting where I was blind sighted by the bilabial fricative..because I can always hear the perfect way he inhales, just enough for his purpose, and he knows he’s lost at a game of his own making because, still, almost two decades in, I cannot keep from swallowing a squeal and a satisfied hummm while a prepare my smile for better things. Nevertheless... I adore every single attempt and welcome any and every change in the game-plan thereafter.

I pray he never stops trying to ‘steal’ first base.

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