Often, it’s the rituals in our lives that bring us the most comfort, that pull us back from the edge, be that edge of despair, loneliness, frustration, hopelessness, or exhaustion. We create rituals to hold us like arms, to wrap us in familiarity and warmth. A cup of tea, a hot bath on a cold day, music, reading, watching a great movie or, in the case of my wife, baking, and baking some more. The rituals we create, end up becoming so much more than just the simple act itself, they become escapes from the noise and clatter of our lives. Tea, for me, is and always has been this. Whether we’re home or abroad, whether it’s Winter or the hottest peak of Summer, I reach for tea and it calms me, it settles me, it brings me back to myself. What are your rituals? What work best for you?
Hot tea cold Winter,
a warm bath on frozen skin.
Bring your heat to me.
Haiku on Life by Tyler Knott Gregson
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Give me a glass of wine, the stars in my telescope, and music. Always music. (Gregory Alan Isakov is my go-to, always!)
Similar to yours, coffee is my safe place. The taste of it, the smell of it. If I'm anywhere in the world feeling unsafe and I smell coffee, or see a little coffee shop, it will instantly bring me back to myself. I also love rooting: walking barefoot on the earth.