At least in the United States, the healthcare system in general as it is now would not be able to support this. As a whole though, I don’t see the harm in exploring this. Just as we explore the deep sea and space. It could offer new insights and perspectives that could enhance mental health and advance humanity. However it should be each individual’s choice if they are willing to do what it takes to live that long.

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Touchè about the healthcare system. We're already over-taxed as is, I cannot IMAGINE what would happen if we all stayed around longer haha. What would YOU choose, if it was up to each person?

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I’m curious enough that I would definitely look into it. I would have some conditions though. I’d need a consistent supply of good sunsets, some body of water close by, a never ending connection to youth seeing the world through new eyes, and love. ❤️

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Like the table in City of Lost Children lengthens, “the rich get richer, and the poor...” get to die that much younger.

There would be grand fundraisers.

But far more valiant ends, both sacrificial and suicidal.

Therefore... I think

Money would be better spent on education of us un or barely insured Morlocks, not the longevity of the Eloi.

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Ahhh love the Time Machine reference. And you're so right, it'd all be about access, all about money who can afford to live long.

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Please don’t be impressed by any classic callbacks from me, most are from Wishbone. That Jack Russell is the only reason I ever read either HG Wells or Dickens.

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How magical it sounds to prolong the inevitable death knocking at all our doors one day! Those with money will of course make it happen, however I support trying to level up the weaknesses in the world- Hunger, clean water, houseless, education, mental health, and community. Those are things I want to have the difference gap reduced from those who have it all and then some. With everything going on in the world I’ve been wondering recently how we can better encourage empathy and community with one another? Would that decrease the hate and anger seen and heard about daily? I’ll have to do some research on how that can be leveled up too. Without the baseline of caring about humanity and the creatures of the world then what is the point of existing until 150 years?

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THIS is where we should be focusing our efforts! Meredith you're so dead on the money, no pun intended, we should fix what's Actually broken, before we try to elongate and stretch what we've got now. Brilliant.

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The first thing that came to mind was world population. If everyone was living so much longer, the population would be much, much higher, and the planet could simply not survive in its current state. Not to mention all of the already broken systems that exist in our country and others regarding health, homelessness, climate, crime, corruption, etc. There would need to be some massive changes for it to even be plausible. I, for one, am happy I won't be around for it. At least not in my current form. 😉

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I keep coming back to this too. I read an article that if we were to try to alleviate the population struggle by somehow creating settlements on distant planets, we'd have to ship like 385,000 people a day every single day, just to cancel out all the new babies born each year here. Oof.

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I just finished rewatching all seven seasons of True Blood recently, and so when prompted to describe a character earlier this week-though I didn't have time to actually write it- I contemplated the 1000 year old life of Eric Northman, the viking vampire, and I reflected on what it would be like to live for so long. Sure, drinking the blood of humans over centuries is much different than advances in science that will allow us to live until 150, but there are similar levels of narcissism involved in both. Because let's be honest, this miracle of longevity will not be for the masses. This will be a status symbol for the rich and powerful who will equate it to power, and the poor people of the world will be the metaphorical Gelflings who are sucked dried of their essence to prolong the lives of the Skeksis. And capitalism will thrive as they will be able to buy twice as many things in their doubled lifespans!

Meanwhile children will still starve, and die of easily treatable diseases and who knows whatever woeful surprises that global warming and war will bring in the next century. There is a book called The Empathetic Civilization by Jeremy Rifkin in which he claims we are currently in a battle between empathy and entropy. Will we wake up and learn to care for everyone on the planet equally and sustainably, or will we consume everything in our reach until we ruin the planet once and for all? To me, the idea of prolonging our lives as a current goal, seems out of whack with the path to an empathetic and sustainable planet and I personally can't fathom wanting to live in a world where this is the goal. It is hard enough making it through the world we are in now!

Tomorrow is my 45th birthday, and as I get used to the idea that I am now on that middle line of my mid forties, I think about the future more. If I am truly honest, I am amazed and proud that I have made it this far. I have battled the darkness for decades and it can be exhausting, suffocating, and obnoxiously loud and heavy. I am stronger for the suffering and I am confident to think and say that this is middle age; that if all goes well, health wise, I can picture myself as a little old 90 year old lady. I haven't always been able to do that or even wanted to. But to go another 50+ years after that? To what end? I think we're just trying to put off the inevitable. That the motivation behind this innovation is fear of death and the unknown.

I vote quality over quantity. Let's live better not longer.

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I think you nailed it, with sentences in your very first, all through, and then the ending gut punch. The narcissism is what I keep coming back to, the idea we should, or need to be around that long. This is fantastic, in every single way.

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Wow. This is very thought provoking. Whether or not I'd want to live that long would be so dependent on the circumstances of the world I was living in by that point. If those closest to me were no longer alive, I don't know how long I'd want to go on. I do find the exploration fascinating though. It's fun to watch dystopian shows like Westworld where they explore the line between humans and artificial intelligence and if it's possible to copy someone's consciousness into another "body." But whether or not I could actually be part of a reality like that...I don't know. I'm probably too old-fashioned for that.

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Randomly came across this bit from Ricky Gervais (language warning, IYKYK) and immediately thought of this piece. Found it a (British) humorous way to reflect on the topic 😊 https://www.instagram.com/reel/C0JLnsMt-Ja/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==

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HAHAH This is so brilliant! YeS!

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