The Greeks believed we were born with four arms, four legs, a head with two faces. They believed us too powerful, too much for the gods, and so we were split. Zeus with his lightning bolt fear and thunderous awe, split us and set the course of our lives as one of searching, as one of seeking out the pieces that were stolen. Sometimes, we find someone who fits in those negative spaces, fills the gaps in us and shows us, often for the very first time, that we were ever split in the first place. If you’ve found this person, hold tight, if you’ve not, you will, I promise you will. What I ask of you is simple: Do not, in all your searching, forget that you’re whole without them, that you’re born complete, despite what angry gods may have wanted, that if you find this person, wherever they may be, they can only add to what you already are. More than one, you will become, for you were already one alone. Today’s poem is Typewriter Series #3062, and was a custom poem written for someone with a beautiful story, and I was lucky to write it for them. Below, you can hear me read it aloud, while you read it for yourself below that.

long ago split
in winding shape.
I am matchless,
I thought, nothing
will ever fit
the spaces
where I am not.
You, curved
opposite to I,
halved but cut
Rough are my
edges, smooth
those calling themselves
yours. You
are the giving of
love, I am the stunned
at all its pouring.
I fit with you,
and I do not know
the ways
to thank you
for that.
-Tyler Knott Gregson-
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Song of the Day
I read this poem and instantly thought of my husband, of course! He's my opposite in so many ways, but he fits so perfectly into my uneasy roughness. Together we are something new, more precious entirely.
This just gave me a whole new perspective on life. Thank you for sharing!