This! And that song !!!! I couldn’t move this more.

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I LOVE that you love it :)

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Thank you for all you give!

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Thank you, for the same. I am so happy you're here.

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Beautiful! Experience has taught me that the skeptics and resisters are the ones that need the most care...that until they can open their hearts long enough to receive, they will always doubt the real value of what it is to give unconditionally. I was a skeptic once...and now I know what consistent joy feels like and all I want to do is show people how to love wholeheartedly. We are made whole in that giving... 💗

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I couldn't agree with this more. In Buddhism we say, our enemies are our greatest teachers, for only they can teach us patience. You're wonderful.

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Thank you, Tyler! I walked through emotional fire to get here...I suspect you may be able to relate 😉. 💗

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When I taught kindergarten, we would read “Have you filled your bucket today?” and “How full is your bucket?”…. The stories are beautiful and teaches young children that it makes you feel wonderful when you show kindness towards others. The way to fill your bucket is to give to others. This signal fire really reminded me of that simple story and concept. A reminder for me, did I fill my bucket today by filling someone else’s bucket? 💗

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