Working from home, the days blur together, one into the next. Our workday may or may not start with a shower and actual clothes, and the commute is generally a trip down the hall by way of the coffee pot. What started as a Monday morning is suddenly Wednesday afternoon, and before long it's Friday again. Yet somehow we manage to be productive, contributing to the purpose and goals of our lives. Will we ever go back to a life where alarms wake us early enough to actually dress, have breakfast and drive to the company that writes our paycheck?
Thank you for this! So many days I struggle to be ok with the simple fact that I tried.
Working from home, the days blur together, one into the next. Our workday may or may not start with a shower and actual clothes, and the commute is generally a trip down the hall by way of the coffee pot. What started as a Monday morning is suddenly Wednesday afternoon, and before long it's Friday again. Yet somehow we manage to be productive, contributing to the purpose and goals of our lives. Will we ever go back to a life where alarms wake us early enough to actually dress, have breakfast and drive to the company that writes our paycheck?