Love this one ❤️

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Wonderful how Tyler is sharing with us who the words are for. And, as the Haiku tells us, we get much more than words.

As a poet who publishes either on the Internet or in book form or in recitals, you are surely always going to invite and motivate an audience to share their experience. We not only,”read to know we are not alone,” (C.S. Lewis) but also express ourselves to know we are not alone.

Here in three Tanka, is my take how I see this working:


I am an empath

therefore emotions run high

I feel many things

and tame this chaos with words

trying to make sense of it


once the words are there

I play with them ensuring

that they make good sense

to then share them with others

and capture their take on them


poems I present

then are no longer just mine

and become ours

to play tango-like with them

and deeply enrich us all


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Words: your currency

You enrich our lives with them

Energy gifted;

Energy received

We see ourselves in your words

A mirror for souls.

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An image of Johnny Appleseed came to mind when I read this! I haven't thought of that legend probably since I was a child. We all sow something - just passing on the street with a smile, a kind word to someone suffering. But Tyler, your gift is unique in that it is a painted picture, a sculpture in words, a dance found in your soul that you share with us. Thank you.

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