
If we both look beyond exhausted, it’s for a very good reason, Lady G’s baking business, Riff Raff Baked Goods, kind of exploded unexpectedly and orders have been coming in too fast for our little home oven to keep up haha. She’s been baking, I’ve been washing dishes, we’ve both been delivering. Oof. Anyway, you can’t eat the bread, but you can nibble on this plate of HOT LINKS! Here’s shit we found cool this week.

Every person who signs up is directly contributing to getting Sarah an ACTUAL bread oven, and keeping me financially able to keep writing. If you’ve not yet, please consider upgrading to a paid subscription!:

Here’s the scoop, kids:

Lord G’s Finds:

  1. When Whales Could Walk - Leave it to PBS to make some unbelievable documentary, and then leave it on YouTube for us all to find. Here’s the full doc of when whales had legs, and walked on the earth. Yeah, mind blowing stuff my friends. Even if you don’t love science and whales like I do, this is fascinating, and worth a watch while you’re eating lunch or something. Trust me.

  2. How Happy Couples Argue - Lady G and I argue, not a lot but we do, and I think we do a good job sometimes of communicating effectively, sometimes not. We both need to read this argument to argue more like a “happy” couple, because everyone deserves to be happier when they argue. Right? Lady G, I promise to read it if you do, then we can argue like absolute champions. Deal? Deal.

    Matteo Giuseppe Pani. Source: Getty
  3. Bonsenkitchen Food Sealer Vacuum Machine - I hate wasting food, and sometimes, freezing stuff just absolutely destroys the thing you’re freeing. We’ve had to throw away so much chicken because of freezer burn and that disgusting weird line thing that happens to chicken breasts after it’s frozen. This little $20 machine that gets amazing reviews, lets you freeze stuff you wanna eat later and not worry so damn much about it getting ruined and wasted. I haven’t tried it enough yet, but I will and report back even more. Here’s to less food waste!

  4. Sing Sing by The Bones of J.R. Jones - I think we first heard this song in True Detective season 1, which we just re-watched, and I Forgot how damn good it is. It’s just got a feel, which that whole first season does too, and I love things with such deep, rich, feel. Maybe you will too.

Lady G’s Finds:

  1. Health Benefits of Sourdough Bread - Obviously I’m bias, as I’ve been literally doing nothing but making sourdough bread lately, but dammit, the health benefits are incredible and immense. If you need more proof than just little ol’ me, here’s 11 reasons EVERYONE should be eating more sourdough bread. Bam.

    image via A Bread Affair
  2. What Happens To Your Body When You Nap? - Just as good for you as sourdough bread, is something I need much more in my life. Naps. Yep, the health benefits of adding naps to your daily routine are just as immense as those from consuming more sourdough bread, and this article goes over quite a few of them, ranging from lowering your risk for heart disease, to boosting your sex drive. All from sleeping. So, go eat bread, then take a nap. Why not?

  3. Chicken Orzo Tomato Soup Recipe - If you know me at all, you know I Love a good soup. It just always works, and this recipe, which I’ve not yet tried, looks positively delightfully delicious. If you’ve tried it, please let me know your review in the comments. If not, maybe give it a whirl, and heck, if you’re in Montana, pair it with a loaf of my Riff Raff sourdough bread?! Why not?!

    image via Pinch of Yum
  4. Bread Saving Hack - Got a loaf of bread that is a bit stale? Run it under the faucet, pop it in the oven, and bam, fresh as the day you bought it. It’s that easy. See the video above for a how-to. :) Enjoy!

We love you all. Be good.

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