
Whilst you’re reading this, Lady G and I will be hurtling down the road to watch Henry run the 800m race in Butte (not Butt), Montana. That’s right, it’s track season still and it’s going to be a balmy 39 degrees at this one. Gotta love a Montana Spring. If you wanna warm us up, warm yourselves up, dive into this little video and the links!

There’s never been a better time to show your support for this place, to help me keep it alive. Plus, now you get to see video extras, AND LADY G’s LOVELY FACE and stuff like that, which is rad. If you wanna join us, it literally costs like $0.14 a day. 14 CENTS! Here’s how to join us:

Here’s the scoop, kids:

Lord G’s Finds:

  1. 11 Facts That Could Save Your Life - I’m not even gonna give ANY of these tips away on this list, I will say some in the video podcast, but I want you to watch it THAT badly. Remember these, because who knows, truly, they could save your life some day. You’re welcome, future you.

  2. NUCA Camera - This is weird, and totally ridiculous, so of course it’s on the list. Some clever and probably horny engineers have officially made a digital camera that instantly turns any portrait you take of someone into a full blown nude. It uses AI, and the results are oddly spot on, and it’s so absolutely bat-shit crazy I had to at least bring it up. I won’t be sharing any sample images here, obviously, but click through and see some blurred out samples Hahaha

    image via Benedikt Groß
  3. Expert Backed Micro-Acts of Joy - So we’re all looking for ways to be happier, right? What if it doesn’t require some massive overhaul or grand deed? What if it doesn’t require flying off to some distant land, or winning the lottery? What if there were micro-acts that can produce the same effects!? There are. Science says. Here are 7 of them. My favorite: “Dwell in Awe.”

  4. Still by Beluga Lagoon - I don’t know what it is about this song, but a Scottish Band (that’s probably what it is, who am I kidding?) but my goodness does it just feel GOOD and hit the spot and make me cry and want to go back to Scotland right this very now. Oof. Heart-punch. Hope you dig it.

Lady G’s Finds:

  1. Zassenhaus Manual Bread Slicer - I make a LOT of bread here, and now, some clients are starting to want some of their artisanal loaves sliced. Instead of buying a beast of an automatic slicer, I decided this was the better idea, and I LOVE IT. It works so effortlessly, it looks amazing, and it just simply works. Adjustable slice thickness, and it’s magic. It’s expensive, but it’s worth it for how many loaves I’m slicing for people.

  2. Reverie Hair Care Products - We do a lot of work with our dear friend Laura, who owns Sugar Salon here in Helena, and she turned me onto this magical line of products. It is pricey but it lasts FOREVER, and my hair has never felt better, been easier to work with, or smelled as delicious. I don’t know what is in this, but it’s magic, and I Love it. If you’re struggling with your own hair, maybe ask your stylist about it

    I took this one! If you need photography work, look us up, chasersofthelight.com!
  3. Renegade Nell on Disney+ - When Tyler told me there was some fun new show on Disney+ I looked at him like he was insane. Then we tried it, and I’ll be damned, it’s absolutely AMAZING. It’s got Orla from Derry Girls (Louisa Harland) and she plays a highway woman, and it’s AMAZING. Just trust me, if you need a fun, simple, hilarious break from reality, this can be it.

We love you all. Be good.