
Hopefully, by the time you read this, I’m feeling better, but when I’m writing it, right before recording, I have a nasty headache. You’ll probably see it in the video. That’s ok, you’re all worth it. ONTO THE LINKS!

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Here’s the scoop, kids:

Lord G’s Finds:

  1. 24 Trips For Self-Discovery - We travel, a lot, you know this. What I WISH, is that we could take more trips that were specifically aimed at self-discovery, rather than always having to work. One day, dear friends. One day. In the meantime, here are 24 trips that offer exactly that. Highest on my list, always has been, is the Lhasa Pilgrimage Circuit, as I’ve been a practicing Buddhist more than 1/3rd of my life. Look at this photo, and tell me you don’t want to be there.

    © Stanley Chen Xi/Getty Images
  2. Balloon Jousting - Our dear friend and neighbor and art making/art loving genius Tim Speyer, had Lady G and I over yesterday to introduce us to two games he’s been loving, one just since his birthday recently (Happy Belated good sir!) and the other since his youth. He let us borrow his Balloon Jousting game, and it’s absolutely amazing. Mono y mono armed with a poking lance, a shield, and a balloon head. First to pop loses. It’s hilarious, and so much fun.

  3. Cinnamon Toast Crunch - Look, I don’t really even much care for dessert, never have. I don’t love sweet things, don’t reach for them during the day, don’t like cake or pie much to write home about, and I haven’t been able to eat ice cream since I was about 16. What I do love, what I am obsessed with, what I reach for every single night even though I’m almost 43 years old, is a way-too-giant bowl of CTCs. I love them more than I can say, and I am not exaggerating when I say I look forward to them all day long. ALL DAY.

  4. The Ministry Of Ungentlemanly Warfare trailer - I love me a good action movie, and when I find out they are based on true stories, I love them 304% more. This one stars Henry Cavill, and Alan Ritchson who is an absolute beast of a human and has been turning heads, often literally snapping them, in Reacher, and looks positively amazing fun. The fact that it’s real, that it happened, and that these men really did take it to the Nazis makes this a can’t-miss. At least for me.

  5. A Unified Theory of Fucks by Mandy Brown - I feel like I could have written this article, first for the generous use of the word fuck, and second, because it’s so precisely how I feel about caring about things in this world, and about the limited quantity of fuck’s we’re given. They are valuable, and should only be given to things that truly matter. Read this. Please. It’s wonderful.

Lady G’s Finds:

  1. Homemade Soft Pretzels Recipe - Sarah changed her mind from the shooting of the video to the actual making of the pretzels, and so instead of using the NYT recipe, she’s going with the one from Sally’s Baking Addiction. Either way, we cannot wait to taste these beauties this Sunday when we pretend to care about the Super Bowl game. Mmmm.

  2. Professional Facial - My mom bought me a fancy facial from a local dermatologist here in town, and I’ve never had a real facial, and now I want one all the time. It’s a treat, as it’s not cheap, but my goodness, I’ve never felt this relaxed in all my life. I say, at least once, treat yo’self, and get a facial from someone that very much knows what they are doing. Please. You’re worth it.

  3. Stramash - A very traditional Scottish game, that techincally the game Sorry completely ripped off, this is a game Tyler and I play all the time and absolutely love. It’s hard to find, as Brexit wiped out a lot of the supply chain that the small company needed, but I think you can still track one down. If you’re looking for a simple, fun game, we fully suggest it.

  4. Escali Kitchen Scale - No single tool changed my baking as much as my kitchen scale. It completely revolutionized how I bake, the precision, and the ease. This one got all kinds of awards and recommendations, and it’s the one I would most highly suggest for anyone thinking about diving into this beautiful art.

  5. Masters of the Air/Band of Brothers - While Band of Brothers will always be better, we’re having a ton of fun watching the newest entry to the WWII saga. I do kind of think having 3 massive stars that are already famous distracts from the overall story, but still, it’s beautifully done, emotional, and just a great story that’s true. If you’re not watching, here’s your heads up to do so.

We love you all. Be good.

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