
Even with another day added to February like the gift no one asked for, we’re still almost through yet another month. Somehow, this Matchbook is the final one until March, and I can only hope Spring rides in with it. Time will tell, my fingers aren’t going to cross too hard here in Montana, but we’ll see. We’ll see. Let’s get into it kiddos, hot links coming your way!

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Here’s the scoop, kids:

Lord G’s Finds:

  1. Unexpected Things Named After Actual People - I love weird facts, and I love when I stumble upon weird facts I never knew. Here’s a list of a ton of very common things, places, and products or brands, that are actually named after people not just randomly or for branding. Examples: Taco Bell (Glen Bell), German Chocolate Cake (Samuel German), and even Shrapnel (Henry Shrapnel). Who knew!? WHO and why didn’t you tell me?!

  2. Parallel - a WWII Then and Now Documentary - Found this little gem by Snafu Docs that uses video, in a way I don’t think I’ve seen done this well before, especially not by a very small operation, to show then and now locations from all different stages of World War II, overlaying them in real-time so you can truly see how much has changed, and how much has stayed the same. Mesmerizing to see as we’ve been re-watching Band of Brothers, the Pacific, Saving Private Ryan, and the likes as of late. Worth a gander.

  3. Texas Pete’s Hot Sauce - 99.9% of hot sauces, I cannot eat because of my stupid food allergies. SO, when I find one that I can, AND it tastes this good, you bet your burned b-hole that I’ll love it, and love it strong. I just totally dig the flavor, the heat that simmers but doesn’t char, and it can be added to SO MANY things, even just dripped onto tortilla chips. Mmm. I’m a fan, always.

  4. The Road by Our Man In The Field - Stumbled on this song by chance on Spotify, and kinda loved the flavor of it, and the way it made my brain feel a bit cinematic no matter what I was looking at. I dig songs like that. Maybe you will too. Headphones and a walk outside with this playing feels cool.

  5. Typewriter Series ORIGINALS SALE - ROUND TWO! This time, we’re going with a theme a bit, and the poems we’ve chosen are all based on being brave, being bold, finding your own light and strength, and being willing to chase it. As a reminder: ALL SUBSCRIBERS of Signal Fire get early access, and so below are the poems that are going to be in the sale Saturday. Just like last time, since you are here, you can email me if you wanna snag any of them before they go on Instagram and you risk losing them. You also, as subscribers, get to Email me and request pricing info on any Typewriter Series poem you may want to own the Original, 1 of 1, of. Got one in mind? Let me know. Here are the 10, and their prices:

    #23 - $250

    #56 - $150

    #114 - $125

    #43 - $200

    #574 - $100

    #71 - $175

    #543 - $100

    #91 - $250

    #507 - $125

    #100 - $300 (This one is magic)

Lady G’s Finds:

  1. How I’m Raising Emotionally Intelligent Teens In A Tech Driven World - Fantastic article about this insane world we’re all having to navigate, especially those of us who are parents, and especially those of us who are parents to teens. Technology is a beast, and this article has some amazing tips on how to better do things, and how to feel better about the things we Are doing. Very worth a read.

  2. Hidden Scotland - Scotland is, and always will be, our favorite place on earth, so any time I have a chance to read more, see more, watch more, or learn more about it, I’m always going to say yes. This little weekly newsletter and website does just that, and takes you far off the beaten path. All things Scotland. All the time. Why not!?

  3. Mexican Chocolate Cake Recipe - Ok truth time, I combined two different recipes for this beast of a half-sheet cake I made. I started with Barefoot Contessa’s Beatty Chocolate Cake recipe, then I added 1.5 tsp of cinnamon and 1/2tsp cayenne to the cake, and to the frosting 1tbs of cinnamon. Easy peasy. Not very spicy, but very very delicious.

  4. What The Wind Knows by Amy Harmon - Want Outlander (the first amazing season) but set in Ireland? Good news, that’s this book. I’m mid-way through and so far I love it. All things Scotland, All things Ireland, a great love story, and writing that’s easy to read quick, what more could I ask for?!

  5. Birth Control & Advocating For Yourself! - It’s been about a month that I’ve been on birth control pills again, though I don’t need them to prevent unwanted pregnancy anymore, and I cannot tell you how much I already notice a massive difference having my hormones regulated. The point is, if you’re feeling any kind of off, advocate for yourself, go into your doctor, ask questions, demand answers, and attempt to make your life easier. My emotions were all out of whack, my fatigue was through the roof, and my doctor explained how hormones may be to blame. This tiny shift has already made massive differences, and I thought that’s so very worth sharing with all of you.

We love you all. Be good.