
Did you know this is the last Matchbook of January? Did you know that means it’s almost FEBRUARY somehow? I don’t know why I’m constantly baffled by the passing of time, but I am, and I don’t see that changing. Anyhow, we’ve got a plate full of hot links and Lady G and I being our usual camera-awkward selves. What more could you ask for?

Time wise, I’m not sure how long we can keep up the video Matchbook series without your pledges and support, so if you dig this, and wanna keep it going, consider joining the little paid community to keep us running! It’s 14¢ a day, which ain’t half bad:

Here’s the scoop, kids:

Lord G’s Finds:

  1. Einstein’s 7 Rules For A Better Life - When one of the smartest humans ever born has ideas on how you can live a better, happier life, you’d be pretty smart too, if you just listened. He lived by 7 little rules that he felt made his entire existence better, and after reading them, honestly, I couldn’t agree more. Does that mean I am a flippin’ genius too? My favorite: Rule #2: Do things you love, even if you’re terrible at them. Touchè good sir.

    A black and white photo of albert einstein laughing.
    Credit: Ruth Orkin
  2. Chasers of the Light Wedding/Elopement Photography - Yep, I am tooting our own horn here today, as we finally got with the 21st century and took out some ads for our beautiful business. We’re really damn good at our jobs, we’ve been doing this for 15 years together, and we’ve gone all over the planet to photograph people, brands, events, and things. We wanna do more of it, we wanna meet YOU, and we work really hard on making it affordable for people, to our own detriment. If YOU or anyone you know is getting married, eloping, or anything else, we’d LOVE to be part of it, we’d love to come meet you and hang out and make your day even more special. Really.

    Wanna book us?! Please do. chasersofthelight.com/weddings
  3. 22 Inventions That Are Saving The World - Little inventions can make major changes to this place we all share, and here are 22 amazing ones that are slowly but surely chipping away at the injustices we’ve done to this planet. Amazing innovations that are helping our environment, helping those less fortunate, and helping fix some of the damage. What a beautiful thing. I Love the Liter of Light, a mixture of bleach and water in a bottle that is as bright as a 60-watt bulb in places without power. Stunning in its simplicity and importance. Read all these.

  4. 20 Greatest Goals In Football (SOCCER, the real football) History - I’m obsessed with Liverpool Football Club, a fact most of you probably know, but just in football/soccer in general, it’s the only sport I watch. Nothing beats a stunner of a goal, and this article breaks down, with expert opinions, the 20 greatest goals in history. I do think some of Stevie G’s legendary goals for LFC were missed, but that’s another argument for another day.

  5. Ripley Trailer - Andrew Scott, as previously established, could be in anything, and I would watch it. This show looks insanely good, and he looks, as usual, insanely cool in it. I cannot wait to see the webs he spins as the Talented Mr. Ripley. Oooooo baby, hurry up April.

Lady G’s Finds:

  1. Cooked.wiki - Tyler showed me this the other day, this simple website that pops up if you literally add “cooked.wiki/” in front of ANY recipe on the entire internets. It takes your recipe, makes it concise, easy to follow, adjustable for quantity (which is AMAZING) and even makes you a shopping list. Genius. All my recipes will now be stored here, from now on, so feel free to follow along!

  2. Mad Hippy Vitamin C Serum - I recently switched from a much, much more expensive vitamin C serum to this beautiful stuff, and I actually love this 1000 times more. It works amazing, it makes my skin brighter and more even in tone, and it costs a fraction of the price. I think you can find it at your local natural food store, or if not, on Amazon or the likes. Fully endorse friends. Fully.

  3. Too Scary Didn’t Watch - I hate scary movies, although Lord G has gotten my tolerance for them a lot higher than ever before, so now I have to admit, I kind of like them sometimes. This podcast is hilarious, it is two women who are terrified of scary movies and refuse to watch them, and a third who loves them and therefore breaks down scary movies bit by bit for them. It’s a must-listen, even if you do love scary movies. Dive in, enjoy.

  4. Almond Cake with Cardamom & Pistachio Recipe - NYT at it again with another amazing recipe I cannot wait to try. I might leave out the pistachio (don’t tell anyone) but I think this sounds delicious on every single level. Also, don’t forget, all my recipes I mention and love will be stored in my cooked.wiki page from now on!

We love you all. Be good.