Hot diggity hot darn a whole new slew of links to warm your sweet little bellies and feetsies and any other cute names for body parts that may need warming. I hope wherever you are you’re smiling, I hope your body feels relaxed, I hope you unclinch your jaw, take 3 deep breaths, and just chill. I hope, yes I do.
Pssst…if you want a Rad way to say “Hey Tyler, Thanks for this rad place, I love you 30,000, there’s a way. Hop on board the exclusive community train! You get extra newsletters each week (with fun writing prompts and discussion threads), LIVE VIRTUAL HANGOUTS EACH MONTH!, and direct access to me and to the most amazing community of fellow Light Chasers in the comments:
Here’s the scoop, kids:
Things That Have Become Obsolete Since 2000 - Yeah, I’m old. Yeah, I get nostalgic for old times, simpler times, and this video hit hard. I miss the way things were, I Just do. Here’s some stuff we’ve lost since the year 2000. RIP simple life.
Embracing Awe - Want to live a happier, healthier life? Who doesn’t. Turns out, one of the best ways to do exactly this, is to embrace Awe, fully embrace it, and find it in all of the everyday splendors that exist around us. Man, when I find articles like this I’m simultaneously proud of myself for writing a book called “Miracle in the Mundane” YEARS ago, and disappointed more people didn’t buy it. Read the article, then go buy the book, it’s worth it, I swear.
Stephen Hawking Quotes For Dreaming Big - Hawking is a hero of mine, and Sagan too, and this article with 10 of his quotes on dreaming big and shooting for the stars, really hit home. My favorite, in this bunch, is this:
"Here are the most important pieces of advice that I've passed on to my children. One, remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Two, never give up work. Work gives you meaning and purpose and life is empty without it. Three, if you are lucky enough to find love, remember it is there and don't throw it away."
Netflix Streams Nike Training Club - I love when people fall in love with fitness as I have, I Love it not because of the way it makes our bodies LOOK, but how it makes them FEEL. I love it because I believe there is probably not a single better way to protect our own mental health than getting our hearts pumping. Love seeing that Netflix and Nike Training Club have paired up to stream some of their easy-to-do-at-home exercise classes. What a rad thing.
Ryan Adams Covers Nebraska by Bruce Springsteen - Yep, the FULL classic Bruce album, gets the cover-treatment by Ryan Adams, an artist whose musical talents are hard to ignore. I love the feel of this, and maybe you will too.
Typewriter Series #268 - A special reading of the poem that literally named our company, and defined our entire life motto. I hope you love it.
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So the new app rocks and is much easier to comment and engage!!😍 I look forward to these so much. Thank you for putting your heart and soul into these.🖤