We are people of contrast, aren’t we? We are comforted by home but we ache for distant shores, in love with the view from where we live but absolutely desperate to see more. It’s this pull that keeps us alive, that keeps us filled with wanderlust, and more, with Wonder. I’m here to tell you it’s entirely ok to daydream of all that waits beyond your front door, to miss it so bad right now it hurts to breathe, to hope with every piece of yourself that soon you’ll vanish into the far-off once more and see things that remind you of the power of this planet. For me it is the sea, the faraway sea that holds mystery and magic and mischief, the sea that feels like home as I was born beside it and have been wanting to go back ever since. We’ve brown hills and snow here, a mountain hamlet nestled in a valley far from the hustle and bustle of city life, and there is so much beauty, but for some reason I am still, after all this time, pulled back to the ocean.
Where are you pulled, you creatures of contrast, you juxtaposed beauties? What will stop you, once the world opens its arms once more, from going where you’re tugged?
I dream beyond this,
beyond brown hills and white snow.
The sea that held me.
Haiku on Life by Tyler Knott Gregson
Song of the Day
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I long for the place where I grew up (Queensland Australia) - diving into the sparkling blue waters of the Pacific Ocean and seeing all it's beauty and wonder. Drifting with the current while looking up into the sky, riding the crest of the waves back to shore, sitting on the pale golden sand and feeling the warmth of the sun on your face - is there anything in this world that could soothe you more?
I miss standing on top of a mountain, above the trees and clouds, looking to the jagged horizon miles away, in any direction. It somehow refreshes my soul to be reminded we are but a small dot in a great big world, that we are each important to the people in our lives, yet the world does not revolve around us. It's humbling to be made to feel insignificant in that moment. It brings me back to myself. A bit like Cindy Lou Who, in the Grinch story, really.