Beautiful! Yes, mindfulness is a progressive practice and so worth it, as there is so much joy to be found in the mundane if one is inclined to notice. P.S. Love the bubble lights on the Christmas tree in your photo! I put them on my tree every year...they’re fun reminders to be playful. 💛

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That's the exact key here, "if one is inclined to notice." That's the step so many miss.

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All that rushing around...culturally, we're excellent at 'doing' but terrible at 'being'. 😎

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Love, love, love this! So perfect.

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So happy it reached you where it did.

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Inspirational message for us all... Not only now during this difficult time, but for every day hereafter... Thanks, Tyler... Sometimes we need a little reminder!!

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We all do! It's the least I can do :)

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Great great message! Everyday is and should be an adventure!!!

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