
Thank you for sharing this. I just got cell service back and this is the first thing I decided to read. I live in western North Carolina—where hurricane Helene devastated my area. I’m on day 9 of no power or water and inconsistent cell service. So much of what you wrote, rattles me to my core in the best way. I had no choice but to disconnect due to ungodly circumstances. It opened my eyes. I’ve been so mindful for so many days. Friday morning, my wife and I literally held our heads above water during flash flooding.

You’ve made such excellent points in your most. Self care. Community. Mindfulness. These are the things that will save you during horrific times. My community has kept me going. We are all supporting and caring for each other—even though our towns have washed away and the death toll keeps rising. I cannot stress enough how much community is so dire to one’s mental health.

I am so glad this is the first thing I was able to read this morning. I hope everyone here reads your post and it sits with them. At the end of the day, it’s us who will save our asses—not those in “power”.

Take such good care everyone. I’m glad I’m still here 💕

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Oct 6Liked by Tyler Knott Gregson

Oh my gosh! What a frightening experience for you. Sending you loads of good vibes that the recovery is as swift and painless as possible.

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Oct 7Liked by Tyler Knott Gregson

Mara, I'm so glad you're still here as well! Sending love to you & your community 💜

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Oct 7Liked by Tyler Knott Gregson

Lots of love to you and your community 💕

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Oct 10Liked by Tyler Knott Gregson

Mara, sending healing to you and your community✨💕 I was on a train heading back to NY from FL right after Helene and saw the devastation…please be safe

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AHhhh I am so glad you're ok, I am so glad you're ok. I am so sorry for all this, I hope to hear a good update sometime soon. You're magic.

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Thank you! Power, water and internet have been restored finally. We are taking things one day at a time. 💕

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Very timely. Thanks for this.

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Always :)

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Thank-you so much for this Tyler! It is so good to feel that there is a community to support every one of us who recognizes the cesspit that we are all slowly sinking into with doom scrolling. Trying to climb out of that downward spiral is so difficult! Your suggestions and just knowing there are like-minded others makes the battle a slight bit easier.

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I think just the knowledge that we're never alone is so helpful. It certainly feels we are sometimes.

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This is so timely...I cringed at the influx of notifications on my phone this morning, feeling overwhelmed & anxious before the day had even started. I set it aside and when I picked up my phone again later, this was the first thing I read & listened to. Appreciate the reminder that boundaries aren't just for relationships with other people, boundaries are also important to how we relate to ourselves and the ever present devices we use.

One thing i've been practicing lately is keeping my phone screen set to grayscale most of the time. I find it much quieter for my brain, and I feel like it's easier to put my phone down and give my attention to other things when my phone isn't a carnival of color and brightness. It's a tiny change, but it's been making a difference.

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I love the grayscale suggestion! I'm gonna do it!

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Check in on those who check in on you.

Speaking of.

TKG & Lady Gregson, how goes it?


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It goes! It's been the busiest 2 months I can remember, and I have edited more photos than I have ever thought possible. SO MANY SHOOTS, but we're hanging in there. Truly.

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"Remember the joy of doing one thing at a time, and stop allowing the trap of results-based-enjoyment to take over." I needed to hear this today. I am so guilty of falling into this trap. I am going to carry this reminder with me.

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If you ever need reminding, let me know :) I love ya.

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