How beautiful to sit this morning by the window watching August fog roll down my street listening to your voice thinking of all of the decisions that brought me right to the me I am today. What a gift to feel proud that most feel like in the right direction.

Fun side note: I found a vision board I made in 2013 last night. Tucked down in the corner was a note that said I hoped to meet you some day. I love so much that this community has manifested that dream and connected me to you and so many other wonderful people too.

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Oh Heather, the picture you painted, the fog, the street, my goodness. You should be so proud, as I am of you. As for your vision board, that is amazing and I'm so honored to be friends with you.

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The beauty of this idea that we are miraculous in who we are because of all the chance decisions it took to create our lives as they are and how magical it is that we can make a hundred new choices every day, for me at least, is darkened by the knowledge that so much of who I am today was shaped by all the terrible decisions my mother made and all the neglect and abuse she let happen.

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Wrapping you in care today and hoping you know how wonderful you are and that you have the power to make new decisions for yourself that lead to healing, peace and joy.

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You're so loved, for all the good and the bad that had to happen to turn you to this, I hope you know, there is so much light ahead. You're held, you're held.

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Look at all the choices you made that got you to TKG & this band of misfit toys seeking the light, and warmth. What a time to be alive. I'm ever so glad you're here.

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This Sunday edition reminded me that I can’t help shake a frequent thought I have that if given the chance to go back to first memory and do it all over that I’d want to pick all the same choices. If it would have brought me where I am today faster or I would be somewhere else on earth completely. Looking back it feels like I was put in a box and not aware that my opportunities were limitless. I am content with where I am in my life typing this message out, but there’s an unsettling calling that I should be doing more. I don’t know if that voice inside my head will ever go away, but maybe that’s why it’s important instead of just listening to it that I need to respond.

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I think we all wrestle with the call to do more, and then hold ourselves to the fire if we don't feel we're doing so. I think the older I get, the more I realize it's all about balance. Balance between pride with what we've done, and hope for what we'll still yet do. Balance, in all things.

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Ha. That voracious appetite for more. The flipside can be compassion fatigue & burnout. Always put your lifejacket on first - however that self care looks? Do that. With that said, I hope little victories & adventures lay ahead.

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I love everything about this.

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I love all about YOU.

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Snaps 🫰🏼 up for Carrie’s comment...that says everything...except for all this extra stuff below 👇🏼🤭

I am under a very pleasing heaviness after reading this...I am thinking of decisions I have to make or want to make and wondering what their consequences will be...do I change my decisions knowing who will be touched (and potentially) changed by those thought bubbles or do I stick to my guns and wonder how the decisions of 7 generations prior and how my decisions 7 generations ahead will ride those waves...

TKG...please know that the decision to buy in on a deep level (not just monetarily, but emotionally and intellectually) to Signal Fire and the Chasers of the Light has forever changed me in ways so positive - that I share those energy waves to spread that fire to friends, family, and foes alike...

What will their decisions be based on your thoughts and words...The “ocean” of poems and photos and drawing us out of our certain boxes will always be there but will the waves continue to move and alter the sea floor and white sands of the beach or will it become a still body of H2O molecules waiting to be stirred once again?

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"A very pleasing heaviness" is oddly how I felt when I finished writing it, then reading it again outloud for the podcast. Nailed it there my friend.

As for what you said about buying into Signal Fire, I cannot properly tell you what that means to hear. I worry, probably unnecessarily, but I worry a lot that people will stop wanting this, or drop out of it, and it scares me. It's why I'm always trying to enrich this place. It's hard convincing people it's worth the $5/month, even though that's not a lot of money. I wish I knew how to get over the plateau and convince so many MORE readers that it's worth supporting this place, joining this community, and falling in love with the way it feels. Maybe one day.

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M8. I see that TKG. Noice.


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This one hits deep today, as I stare out the window and feel the familiar weight of life altering decisions resting against my ribs. Seven years ago I made a decision that altered the trajectory of my life. And while I can't unmake it, I'm now trying to revise it in a big way. I hope the revisions will lead to deep healing from all the ways that old decision has wounded me. And perhaps honor all the ways that decision has taught me, too.

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I hope the same of your revisions, and I trust, if you're doing these things with a clear heart and soul, all that comes will be all that you wish to.

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All I can say is, Thank You..... These words helped more than you know and were much needed to hear today✨🫶🏻

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As always, thank YOU. I'm always here for ya, I hope you know.

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Wow! I love this so much….. I often envision my decisions and try to choose the best for that space!! I love ya!!

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Yes!!! So Beautiful to hear your voice read this. I'm dealing with the grief of losing a hometown, and my friends losing everything. I made a decision last summer to move away from Maui, and left them behind. The analogy of the ship hit home. So soothing and healing, thank you.

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May you heart be comforted. May there be a sign sent to you each day, of divine belonging, held close until the pain brings new life never before possible. My heart hurts for yours, many prayers for the island.

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Thank you so much for your healing words. Right now is the search for lost souls. It will be a tough week. I am far away from my town and I'm acting as a conduit passing news to my friends in West Maui that don't have wifi, just texting. Just heard last night of someone I know who stayed to tried to save their house and didn't make it. Peace and love - hug your loved ones.

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What an intercessor you are! Being the one who is physically removed but close in spirit is very hard, sometimes it is exactly what is needed. It’s the only person who can take on such duties as you have done. I have been far from home when powder kegs blew; to be outside the blast zone inflicted a sense of survivor’s guilt. And can be a unique chance to help. My heart is with yours and your people, Lea. Please share your burdens, anything we can help carry.

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Thank you ...

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Here to check in on you and those you love. Have you been able to connect with everyone?

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Thanks Megan so far most of my friends have touched base and are ok, although homeless. I am hearing about a few that are lost and some are still missing. After 23 years in that little side of the island, I've come to know quite a few people. I took time out today to go to the ocean here in Washington and send my wishes out through the fog.

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Sending so much love & strength to you, and your village. How lucky they are to have you in their atmosphere.

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Thank YOU, and I am so sorry. Watching that unfold was and is absolutely heartbreaking. Here is all the comfort I can muster. I am sorry it's not more.

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A hero of mine used to say, “adjust your sails, not your vessel”. Your words remind me of my grandfather, and also make me wonder, for the first time, if you must know you’re heading before you can possibly know whether your vessel might need re-routing, or dry dock, maybe some vessels just aren’t seaworthy anymore and a change of what we float around in is in order. The man always seemed to know exactly what needed doing, pilots can only be wrong once. I wonder more now than I ever have before.

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I wander in place.

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I love this quote, and the fact that I say anything that reminds you of him, is an honor. Thank you.

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They say you change your whole life if you give it a year. In reality, that is bullshit. You can change your life in an instant. One decision or many decisions can change the trajectory and velocity of where your life path heads. It changes I an instant and over time. Sometimes it takes immense amounts of courage and sometimes it happens without us ever knowing. ❤️

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You are so very right Stacy. In an absolute instant. I think it's the never knowing that makes life both terrifying, and oddly exciting. :)

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Sillyface, you love this one a lot with your whole heart because it is a siren's call for us to stop playing small.

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Never play small. Always play tall. :)

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Thanks for everything. We appreciate your aloha.

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