“We’ll set our mirrors to face each other and grin back into infinity.” I read that four times and loved how deeply supportive and encouraging it feels to my soul. So beautiful!

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Ahh you're so wonderful. Happy Sunday!

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Thanks again Tyler. This piece is truly fitting for me. I've moved into a dark and cold Pacific Northwest small town, where most people are poverty stricken and many are drug addicted to deal with the pain. It's been a BIG culture shock for me, after 22 years in warm and cozy Maui.

I have been doubting myself, fearing that I could get sucked into to this big depressing NOTHINGness that I see around me....refer to the movie the Neverending story.

I've broken down with the struggle of starting over here, and then slowly, I have crawled towards the light. That's where I am now, because I do see the light.

I quit the drudge job at the local corner grocery store/gas station and got hired at a school. It is bringing the thaw to my soul. There are sweet souls and hugs and tears to wipe from scraped knees. It is this that gives me hope that I will get on the other side of "Twilight" - again a movie reference. (the movie was filmed not far from here because of the dark and spooky tone of the area).

Your love and writing is the water for me, and helps my writing come out. Love ya Tyler and thanks again.

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Starting over is hard but I'm glad the school is thawing your soul! There's always magic if you look for it ✨

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Thanks Alana, the beauty of children reminds you of fresh life.

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It certainly does. I moved from paradise also and have been struggling to adjust. My saving grace has been the closer proximity to my adult children and 2yr old granddaughter. So glad you found it. ✨

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"Bringing the thaw to my soul" is a stunning way of putting this. I love you back, keep your words flowing.

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This made my brain hurt, but in a “good” way. Especially the end part about how we’re clean to some and dirty to others. Whoa. I do not possess enough brain power for that.

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I agree. Lots to unpack here and ponder.

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I love brain hurting stuff :) I think it makes it growwwwww. And yes, you do. You have way more than you need here!

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This one hit like a lightning bolt. And I love the "SuperHiDefCrystalClear" mirror metaphor because I'm pretty sure I'm one of those too. It's a hell of a catalyst for shadow work because you see your ick in ***everyone*** and have to get familiar with it to live with it. In my case, I so appreciate the journey it took to love my dark...and the humility it has taken to accept it and keep all the aspects like spices in jars upon a shelf in my psyche so I don't inadvertently dump some spicy cayenne all over someone's ice cream.....but I digress. The other challenging aspect is how that mirror is constant reflection becomes a trigger for other people. I laughed at the part where you said people find you intimidating..... I've been hearing that for years, too. And I've come to realize it's not me.... I'm just being my version of real and authentic, expressing my lived experience......and they're sometimes unable to do that for themselves. Which means they're *intimidated* but that's not about me, or you..... it's about how they feel when confronted with agenda free honesty. I've found some people are afraid to be honest with themselves....so their fear is triggered. Anyway, I have a theory (my metaphysical take) that we neurospicy types are here to function as catalyst. And we do. We push a lot of buttons just by showing up.....and in a beautiful sort of way, I think the collective effect is that our culture has had to become far less fixed in rigid ways of being that keep everyone comfortable in the lies of social niceties. They keep trying to force everyone into a box and we keep lighting the walls on fire. It then requires growth and flexibility and new ways of looking and seeing. Catalyst ignition. So yeah....the "SuperHiDefCrystalClear Mirror" is doing good things for the collective consciousness. Not sorry. :::Going to light a few boxes on fire::: 🔥

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YES! Lightning bolt to the brains of us! I love this. Worry never about being intimidating to others, it only means you're realized in a way they are jealous of. I believe this. You're magic, as is.

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I’ve also gotten the “you’re intimidating” comment. I even asked my daughter if I came across that way. She said yes but not in a bad way. Well because she’s my daughter lol. But the mirror thing is on point. I’m just being my authentic agenda free self, naively thinking everyone else is doing the same. I’ve been shown the big picture so I understand the psychology/galactic aspect, but oooof…it still stings sometimes. Big group hug. Thanks for this great comment, and (Tyler- awesome post)! ✌🏼✨💜

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Your intro made me laugh so thank you for that hahaha. I felt this shift in me a bit starting towards the end of last year. I feel like I lost a bit of myself for a while there and I'm trying to peel back all the shit to get down to the core of me and my values. It is lonely work but I am becoming better for it.

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Lonely work is always valuable work...I believe this fully. It sucks while doing it, but it's necessary. Thank you for this.

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“We are all mirrors to one another”…my oldest son is sometimes a clear mirror for me- not in a critical way- we just speak honestly with each other (which I think is what you mean by saying we have a deeper connection with people who do that for us). He says that I am forthright in my conversations- and while he appreciates this, it might be too much for some people. I don’t think you would ever call me intimidating- but he has pointed out that some people -like his father- are more comfortable with what he calls “vanilla conversations”. I appreciate his observations because they help me to better know how I appear to others; when I look at my own reflection, I think it is dirty at times, though I seek ways to clean it.

What is the picture behind the photo of the haiku?

And, btw, love “The Tallest Man on Earth” but not so much this one- have you heard “Rivers”?

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This is wonderful insight. I am just done with vanilla conversations, and have been for a long time. And YES to Rivers!

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This is such a GREAT MESSAGE! The most honest among us continuously work to better themselves without picking other people apart in the process...just to make themselves feel better.

By admitting our own struggles and shortcomings, we open the door for a little unexpected insight to come breezing in.

“I myself am entirely stitched together with flaws and good intentions”.

I have loved this for years! 😎

Just this morning I admitted to my husband that I become uncooperative when I get stressed. The proverbial HARD PILL TO SWALLOW 😑

I saw what I was doing- within his reactions to trying to help me. It’s tough to see how my actions (unintentional) make people feel.

And YES, it’s not about them! It’s ME not trusting other people to help me without pointing out that I am somehow failing.

Any advice appreciated! Thanks.

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Ahh I'm so glad you liked this one! Advice: ALWAYS breath. Always. Make it a point to take 5-10 deep breaths before responding to anything. Ever. Good things or bad things. Sometimes that 30 seconds is all it takes to reset and calm.

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Love this concept. Wholeheartedly agree. I think the older I get, the more I've felt that loneliness creep in. My twenties have been an intense personal journey into myself and the more I learn, the less I fit into the world around me. But when I find people and things that do fit with me, it feels like such a relief. It's worth waiting for and cultivating those things in life rather than fighting to be part of culture and a system that at its core is broken. To hell with fitting in. I don't ever want to.

I've also been reading The Power of Now, and let me tell you, Eckhart Tolle is a SHDCC mirror to the human race. I can already feel things inside me shifting as I read and as I strive to incorporate his teachings into my life.

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It's strange how the loneliness creeps isn't it? I told Sarah the other day, I actually feel lonelier when I'm around people. Which is super weird. You're wonderful, when you're feeling lonely, reach out to us.

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I definitely feel that way too sometimes! Lonely around people. That’s what happens when you don’t fit in, haha. This group is a great comfort.

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Yes. Needed this. I freaking love this.

It's 100.00%

I love you.

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I love you the same.

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I think you meant, “grinfinity”. Yes.

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You're dead right I did!

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There is no wrong path, if we’re all walking with kindness.

Yes. This.

I see you. In SHDCC.

It’s like switching to blue ray!

Or going to that persons house who had blue ray because your dad bought beta in the 80s and was scorned by the next best thing affect from them on out and so you didn’t get new technology until your cool gay uncle gave you his hand me down CD and eventually DVD players.

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