If, years ago, you told young me, fresh me, that in the future that was coming, I would wander the world, I would meet thousands of beautiful people scattered all around the globe, I would sit on stages in bookstores and theaters, I would photograph true love in dozens of forms, I would have called you a liar. I never predicted a wild life for myself, never saw myself living a peripatetic existence. I saw a life of stillness, in and around the town I grew up in, after a childhood of this wandering. I saw a life not boring, but routine, and I saw myself settling into a groove. This did not occur, this did not come to be. Quite the opposite in fact, as all of the above things did happen, that life did materialize, and I sit here now, already, and marvel. Perhaps it’s this strange period of forced stillness, the cessation of that wild life I was so used to living over the last 10 years, but I am positively melancholy for it. I miss it in ways I cannot describe, but have been attempting anyway.
I thought about this recently, and realized that I owe this wild life to one thing, one phrase that echoed through my brain anytime an opportunity or a risk presented itself: Why Not? Why not me? Why not this? Why not take a lying leap at a wild life? Why should I not see, feel, hear, smell, taste this planet and what it offers? Why not work my ass off not for money, but for experience? Why not?
We often find excuses for not trying, rather than defiant reasons why we should, and for me, asking Why not me, has been the key to the lock I probably put on the door myself. Why not? A wild life awaits.
At photos one day
we'll look back at this wild life,
marvel at it all.
Haiku on Life by Tyler Knott Gregson
Song of the Day
This is how I’m feeding my family, how I’m able to keep creating art and reaching out to all of you beautiful souls, so please, if you’re not yet part of our extremely rad exclusive community of Light Chasers, you can sign up for less than a sugary latte a month. Let’s hang out, it’s time. If not, I love you all the same.
Just a quick thank you for everyone who is subscribing. If you dig what I’m doing, please, share it with anyone and everyone you can think of by clicking the button below.
You just never know what is in store for you, especially when you push forward despite anxiety or fear of failing. If someone had told me when I was 21 that I would travel as I have, that I would live where I do now, I'd have laughed. I still hadn't had my four children or two husbands (now exes lol) - what a life. This beautiful life is only shown to us in baby steps......because it is too fantastic to fathom in the whole...