This is my kind of Sunday message. I really needed this today. The concept of fire has always been at the core of my being and a major underlying theme in so much of my writing and art. I have always felt a strong fire in me, and it's no wonder I feel like an outsider so often in a world that is always trying to extinguish my flames. Every word of your message today felt like the truth - all the way to my bones. I just have to share a poem I wrote several years ago that resonates well with your message...
Wow ! You most definitely hit the nail on the head ! This is kind of a lame example but an example it is! Recently I was at a Led Zepplin Tribute band and as usual I react a tad dramatic to any music I hear but, i looked out into the crowd not a tiny nod not snapping o fingers nothing to indicate that they didn't need the paddles. If I could send pictures of both my mother and father you would see that I don't work too hard to stay inflamed they lived every day with drama and passion. My Dads dad i never met unfortunately he liked alcohol so my Dad promised his mother never to have that life well h e kept that promised but most often than not people asked " is your dad drunk" I said he lives his life with passion daily no alcohol needed. I can only control me but I hope I carry on that zest for life that fire you reflect upon to my grandchildren. I am 66 and being that age as everyone struggles Ive had losses Ive suffered all I hope i wear with pride that someone has allowed me to spend just one more day living life with COLOR!
I love this one. I mean, I love all of these, but I really LOVE this one. Choosing to chase the light is the greatest life choice I made, and continue to make every day. Thank you Tyler, I think you are just wonderful.
This is one of my most favorite Signal Fire messages from you.
This reminder is beautiful, but it is so difficult to keep going right now.
Gosh I am so glad you're here, and please know, no matter how difficult it gets, it's worth it, and we're here. Always.
Love this ♥️
I love YOU!
Printing this one out, my friend.
YES! Sometimes, analog is right.
Right back at ya!
What a group we've carved out here. We, the light chasers, the carriers of the glow.
My God…❤️🔥
This is my kind of Sunday message. I really needed this today. The concept of fire has always been at the core of my being and a major underlying theme in so much of my writing and art. I have always felt a strong fire in me, and it's no wonder I feel like an outsider so often in a world that is always trying to extinguish my flames. Every word of your message today felt like the truth - all the way to my bones. I just have to share a poem I wrote several years ago that resonates well with your message...
I will always be here
to remind you endlessly
how wonderful you are.
How intelligent,
how brave,
how kind,
how resilient
you are.
Don't you realize
there aren't many
people like you?
Like us?
It's no wonder
you struggle to fit in.
The world can be cruel
to people like you.
But please don't ever be
less than everything you are.
As I have always said,
you are a fire.
Be a fire.
Taylor, this is stunning, as you are. Thank you so much for just being here, always, for always showing up. Showing YOU.
Wow ! You most definitely hit the nail on the head ! This is kind of a lame example but an example it is! Recently I was at a Led Zepplin Tribute band and as usual I react a tad dramatic to any music I hear but, i looked out into the crowd not a tiny nod not snapping o fingers nothing to indicate that they didn't need the paddles. If I could send pictures of both my mother and father you would see that I don't work too hard to stay inflamed they lived every day with drama and passion. My Dads dad i never met unfortunately he liked alcohol so my Dad promised his mother never to have that life well h e kept that promised but most often than not people asked " is your dad drunk" I said he lives his life with passion daily no alcohol needed. I can only control me but I hope I carry on that zest for life that fire you reflect upon to my grandchildren. I am 66 and being that age as everyone struggles Ive had losses Ive suffered all I hope i wear with pride that someone has allowed me to spend just one more day living life with COLOR!
I am so glad your life carries the color. What a gift to yourself. You're amazing.
I love this one. I mean, I love all of these, but I really LOVE this one. Choosing to chase the light is the greatest life choice I made, and continue to make every day. Thank you Tyler, I think you are just wonderful.