Does staying alive count? Because that is a pretty scary thing some days.

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Damn Tyler,.. talk about who’s on fire, you’ve been dropping gold on us lately. Also, I feel very “ called out”, what the hell man, 😂I feel like a kid at church on a Sunday morning again?! JK, keep it up, if anyone needs this it is I.

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I really love this, and I feel like this is a very doable, and even vital, “resolution” to make each year. It reminds me of a quote from The Bear by Faulkner, which is one of my favorite pieces of literature: “Be scared, you can’t help that. But don’t be afraid.” I always interpreted that to mean don’t let the fear stop you from acting. You can’t help but be scared, sure, but you have to move past that and get to the other side to find the beautiful experiences or lessons. Thanks for this reminder and call to action. :)

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Today’s Signal Fire really resonated with me because I have been thinking about this a lot lately. Sometimes the lines we need to dare to cross are ones that we were socialized to fear: how often I have heard my 84-yr old mother worry, “What will people think?!” I try to convince her ‘who cares?’ but I have spent a large portion of my life trying to set myself free from this. I tell my sons, ‘Live your life openly’, with courage, because I feel many mistakes I made were due to fear. My oldest will turn 20 at the end of August and plans to get another tattoo. I said, I want to go with you and get one, (actually two), partly because I want to experience it but mostly because I plan to have the words, “Be Not Afraid” (true story) on my inner wrist so it will remind me to live more courageously.

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This is wonderful Laura. Thank you for your brave spirit.

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"We are made to jump." A beautiful reminder. Thank you.

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