
I am going to go out on a limb here and suggest that in less than four years, you may wish to make edits to this post. The front and back end of the piece were sound advice (imho):

“Nothing stays the same, nothing lasts, what will come will go. In the meantime, we have work to do.”

“Be brave, be open-minded, be compassionate, be kind. This is what I ask of you, this is where we begin to heal.”

So, I don’t believe the effort here is wasted, as many need to hear the words of fortitude and empathy. But perhaps more strongly encouraged. We are never far historically from the impact of tyrants and criminals into our world. As I worked projects in dozens of developing countries over two decades around the world, I made close relationships with colleagues who had lived or were living under the rule of bad or misguided people. I saw their strong work ethic (fortitude) under such oppressive governments while they also exhibited compassion (empathy) in their own work and personal lives. Sometimes, their efforts to deal with non-business issues were far more challenging than the engineering ones I was sent to help them with. Yet, I could travel back home with the impression that I would never have to deal with similar situations here in our country. Now I believe it can happen here as well. Yet, it is a good thing that I experienced first hand of the power of good will and persistence. And I expect to have to exercise that life experience here to the greatest level possible in the coming years myself. Despite the history of the depths of evil possible by humans, it is also encouraging how much good can be done as well. I know it is possible because I have witnessed it elsewhere. I believe the coming years will demand more fortitude and empathy than we ever imagined. The counter-balance we will need comes only through the selfless actions we must be prepared to demonstrate. And I want to believe we will. Thanks for helping us prepare.

There is work to do

We must focus and take care

So much work to do

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I'm always here for this my friend, and always so keen to hear your viewpoints on the matter. I cannot imagine all you've seen, and the lessons that's imparted. No matter what, nothing Does last, as we all are reduced back to the ash and dust and memory eventually. No matter how bad things get, I do believe that Trump will go, as he must die as we all must die, that the tide will once again shift, and that the goodwill and the strength of all of us who remain here that would staunchly refuse to accept any form of dictatorship that endures beyond his new tenure. Things will change, we just have to make sure we're pushing it in the right direction, that we're guiding it into something better, finally. As you said, SO much work to do. We begin now.

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I pray that I can find some of your optimism.

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I'm trying too. It's going to be work, and truthfully, I think this will be THE work that I think we all have to do. Perhaps the hardest bit of it. Buddhism has taught me that our "enemies" are our greatest teachers, because only they can truly test our patience, our capacity for empathy, and our understanding. Finding common ground with those that sing the same loud songs we do is easy, finding it with those who shout the opposite words is the real test, the real lesson. Trust that whatever hope I hold, I'll always give to you.

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It’s hard to feel optimistic but I will still move forward with love and peace. I’m grateful to be in this space with so many humans who carry light. Thank you.

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We're so lucky to have You here. Always.

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I am an outside observer watching from the sidelines, but I think even so, we are all connected and will all be affected by the next four years. (No, you can't have Canada!)

However, the idea that we can find our common ground through empathy and sympathy, surpasses the borders of the USA and should be our common goal as human beings. Because there are atrocities that we know are happening around the world, but we feel disconnected and overwhelmed to do anything about it. Starting with our neighbours, we can grow our empathy and learn to work for the survival of our species in a peaceful coexistence. There will always be good and there will always be evil. Darkness and light. Love and fear. It will always be both. We can't have one without the other, but we can tip the scales to the side of light and love and shine the darkness into the corners so they exist as only a sliver of a shadow.

I know I have shared this link before, but I effen love empathy and this is one of my favourite books summed up in a 10 minute readers digest version of why it is so important that we focus on empathy before we are ruined by entropy. So I am sharing it again!


Sending you all lots of love and hope and an open invitation to come hide in the jungle if shit really hits the fan!

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I so agree with all this, even the fact that we're not going to buy/steal Canada ;) You're amazing, and we're absolutely gonna come to the jungle. Trust me.

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A couple hours ago, I got into my little boat to go buy some school supplies for my high school kids in town and as I was watching this group of men fishing from their little boat, I looked down and noticed their majestic vessel was named the Liverpool FC and it had a red streak down the side and it made me think of you! We will have to find them and get them to give you a ride when you come!!

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Wow, Heather ... love that link. LOVE it.

Thank you. __/I\__

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It is a really good book!

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I’d say “move down under” but I’m not sure our political system is much better. We’ll still happily have you though!

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:) I wish, but the only way to stay in the fight for something better, is to be where the ring is. For now, though I wish I could vanish, I must stay. :)

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