Mitakuye Oyasin - “all my relations”

Brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers, aunties, uncles - with skin and feathers and scales and blood and breath and bark and rings of life and waves of renewal...

Just last week - I shared part of a loaf of bread (that was used in communion at our church last Sunday) with a Canada goose. I ate bread and I gave bread. I looked in that goose’s eyes and shared a moment that spoke volumes to me.

I see Red Tail Hawks “making lazy circles in the sky” and they stop me in my path.

I see Bison lumbering thru tall grass prairies - respecting their size and strength from a distance and wondering what thoughts are behind the windows of those coal black eyes as they tend to their youngsters.

From the greatest to the least - look in their eyes - let them speak to you

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This is beautiful and sad. Full of hopelessness and hope. Thank you for sharing.

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Absolutely beautiful! The second to last paragraph got me ❤️ I’m not as lucky as you, but I feel a deep soul connection to animals, bugs and apologize to them when I see them on the side of the road. We humans don’t deserve them.

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This seems like a very heavy day, and it made this essay hit even deeper. We humans continue to cause each other so much pain and suffering, and for what?? Is it any surprise we treat the rest of the world with such disregard when we haven’t even figured out to care for each other yet. I’m glad you reminded us that, hopefully, there is a chance that the other creatures on this planet can still see the good in some of us.

Though I’m not a Buddhist, I do believe that the infinite spirit and energy -that we carry around in these bags of flesh we’re so obsessed with getting stuff for-passes on to a new vessel when we die. I have always believed that there was a vibrational evolution of this reincarnation that meant we may become more and more sentient as we pass through time. I don’t think that human are the highest state of this path to Nirvana. At least not in our current level of consciousness. Because we don’t know how to communicate or care properly. I think many animals are far more sentient than we are and we make them really sad. Except for when they catch a glimpse of the ones who have tapped into that higher frequency perhaps. The ones who give them hope for us!

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Ty-man, this was absolutely one of my favorites…. It was kind, truthful, thought provoking, sad, hopeful……gave me inspiration to be better….. love you!

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"All things start again in Autumn"...For me, yes. They absolutely do. This is always the season I circle back to, the place where I come alive once again.

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You are an exceptional person. The animals know this.

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