I’m already a paid subscriber and I will continue to support your work until the day I die. 🖤

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You are so loved. Thank you.

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Same!! :)

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I pay now. I'll still pay the same even if you make it free. We all need to make art of all genres worth more in a world where ai is trying to take over. If I could comfortably give more I would.

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Thank you, sincerely thank you. Not sure what will happen, but questions like this sometimes have to be asked.

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Mar 6Edited

I am a paid subscriber and even though I sometimes go through busy times where I stop reading and interacting for awhile, I’ve never questioned continuing to pay, because I support you as a human who creates art and community that moves me

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I love you. Thank you. Your support means more than I can possibly say.

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Ditto. Same. xx

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Tyler... NO. Simply, no; you cannot give away all of your work for free. You put SO MUCH time, energy, effort, love, and talent into your work and this community. You cannot devalue that.

Some Substacks may be 100% free and rely purely on generosity but I'll parry that comment with this; some Substacks are all 100% paid content, no freebies at all (or free subscriptions get the reader access to only a paragraph or two per post.)

I'm a paid subscriber, and if you made it free I would still pay because it feels like buying your books with the added bonus of community and connection. But I firmly believe you should not be giving this all out for free. Nada. No way.

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I appreciate this viewpoint so much. In your opinion, is how it is the best way to do it it? Should I make the paid version less? I just never know how to make a more sustainable income from this.

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You simply can’t give it away for free. It’s too vital and to give it away for free discredits it and discredits you and all of your magic.

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I see your reply and will respond with detail when I can -- but I found this post from Substack, so thought I would share (you do many of these already but maybe there's still some helpful tips??)


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I guess if it would open up the opportunity for advertising and promotional income, the outcome might be more certain. But I’m not one who has gotten into the seeds of online subscriptions. I just support people who I follow. Guess that makes me uncommon.

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I've never thought of advertising or promotional income. That's a good idea to consider, so it wouldn't just rely on paid members. Wish I knew where to get started?

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I’m not an expert on marketing and sponsorships, but my favorite podcasts are intentional about which brands they promote and make it align with their own messaging (ex. My health podcasts are all health-related ads). Maybe you could reach out to companies that you support or that help with your work or have some tie to creativity and start the conversation by telling them about the community you’ve created and your reader metrics?

What is exciting to me is knowing that if you did incorporate any kind of ad, you’d do it in a way true to you and this community. I think we’d all appreciate it being a conversation about things that work for you rather than just pushing content to say you did it.

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This is a fantastic way to look at it. Trust me, if I ever worked with ANY brand or anything, it'd only be something that I believed in, or that serviced the people that read this. Nothing else. :)

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If you go this route PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't do it for the money. Keep it from the heart. If you have e someone/thing that you love and can genuinely sponsor, work out a win-win!! I know it's possible but most people just do things for the 💰🤑🤮

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I cannot imagine Tyler doing anything other than fully living heart forward, please be assured.

But we also live in a society that demands we pay to live, and so I will not begrudge a creator for finding a balance and taking care of their livelihood.

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Exactly this Nicole. I'd never partner with ANYONE that I didn't believe in fully. Ever.

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I know. And I know you’re responding kindly to this whole thing but having been along for the ride for a long time, I’ll admit that this mere idea had me tilting my head in confusion that anyone could think you would ever do anything different.

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Oh gosh, I'd NEVER do anything like that. I turned down, back when things were busy busy, so many weird opportunities because I didn't understand or relate to them. :)

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As much as I admire artists and writers who work so hard to create content for their online websites, many do not look at what they do as a product and a business. So, Two suggestions 1. On subscribing, always think of your services as a product. Here is a link to a short overview on selling subscriptions as a product. https://youtu.be/a1x-7ahiuf4?feature=shared 2. On getting promotional revenue ; Identify companies that align with your audience and reach out to them directly with a compelling pitch about advertising opportunities on your website. It can be as simple as reaching out to the company that you admire, or have an affinity to their products. Here is a link to a Quora q&a on the topic : https://www.quora.com/How-do-I-approach-a-company-which-I-want-to-advertise-on-my-website Hope this helps.

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Made my life better, so was a subscriber. Though not an option at the time, it renewed automatically after a year...didn't sit right w/me? Knowing Tyler's care and consideration, I had to think this was beyond his control and/or has been corrected. And have chose to support in other ways $$ between my gf and I.

Priced more affordably now, it'll be an easy ask to sign up again....appreciate TKG being plugged into his audience with more dynamic, and less static, pricing.

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Hi Rex! First off all, totally appreciate your support in ANY way. The "Auto-renewal" is beyond my control, and it is supposed to send you a warning email a week or so before it auto-renews giving you the chance to opt out. If it didn't, they messed up and I am truly sorry!

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I have often thought about becoming a paid subscriber - as I wish I had access to kindling - but as a writer/freelancer myself - I just can’t afford to subscribe to all the amazing writers I love. I usually choose one Substack a year to subscribe to. It is not from a lack of love for your writing or all the work that goes into it - it simply is a practical matter of stewarding my own limited resources. It is with deep gratitude that I read your Sunday posts and would love to find non-monetary ways of mutual support.

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Your support in all ways matters so much, I hope you know that. I've often toyed with the idea of making the paid option just $1 a month. I figured, if 12,000 people paid $1 a month, I could make a great living and not be scared all the time. The problem is, I know 90% of people still wouldn't pay for whatever reason. You know?

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Hm. How do you know that?? 🤔😉🥰 I believe anything is possible especially when we believe and make efforts for it to happen! It might be worth a shot to do some 1, 3 or $5 subscriptions to see if you can get more volume. Idk just saying if you limit yourself with limited thinking, those limitations are yours! 😉🤷‍♀️🥰

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You are worthy of your work.

People who can’t understand that aren’t going to start if you start giving it all away.

That being said, whatever you choose to do won’t change my decision to support you for as long as I am able.

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You're amazing, thank you so much.

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I will always pay for a subscription if I can get more content. It makes me feel “special” as if I gave myself a gift and gave you a “gift” for allowing me increased access.

Make sense? 😄

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This is actually super valuable insight. Thank you.

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I’m a subscriber and would continue to do so because I’m committed to this community. You make me think deeply about ‘things’! As a Canadian, I pay more, with our sad little dollar, but it is worth it!

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THANK YOU, so sincerely. You're magic. I am sorry the dollar thing screws you :(

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I feel bummed hearing this, Tyler! I've been a paid subscriber for about four years and I will continue to be a paid subscriber even if you offered all of your content for free, which I do not think you should do.

What you provide here, in this peaceful space where ads, painful opinions, painful politics, parents (also painful for some of us lol), etc., do not bombard while we enjoy, is worth every single cent of the subscription cost. It's truly priceless what you offer us here.

My solicited opinion: promote your Substack more on the free platforms.. Your Instagram has a few hundred thousand followers - if you could flip even 1% of those followers into monthly subscribers I'm guessing you'd be golden (and then some)! You've got this!

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You're so amazing, thank you for this insight. It really does mean a lot. I think I'll keep the structure as it is, maybe occasionally letting one of them go free here and there. It means so much to hear this insight, sometimes it just feels like I'm spending SO much time, energy, effort, and making so little, it makes it disheartening.

As for your other advice, I am trying my best to promote there, it just feels so fruitless on Instagram, NOTHING gets seen because of those silly algorithms, but I'll keep at it!

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This is *great* advice

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I became a paid subscriber the moment you started this, as I value your work. It was a gift to me from the get go. I don't always have the time to interact, as life gets in the way. But, I read and find so much inspiration in your work. Thank you for what you do. I will always support you, no matter what you choose. I do want to say, that I agree with the others though. Please don't give away all you do for free. You put so much out there and you are so worth every penny. Thank you!

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:) Thank you for you Jessica. Means the world and moon. I'll keep trucking on, and I won't give it all away I promise ;)

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I am here and going nowhere. I couldn’t commit to more, necessarily, but I’m also not going to take the 50% off because I want to support my people; and you and Sarah have long been my people.

I essentially feel the same as Tori; your work, your art, your well-being, these are important to me. If you lived in my neighbourhood I would make you dinner or treat you to hot drinks, or or or. But distance means support comes in different ways.

All this is to say I want you to do what is best for your heart and your family. I’ll be here truckin along beside you as long as you’ll have me

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Nicole, my goodness. You are so amazing and so loved and you are OUR people. This means more than you know. I'm sure I'll figure something out, it just gets so disheartening to try so hard and then watch people fall away, you know?

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Please just know that people stepping or falling away is not a reflection of you. I can imagine that it doesn’t feel that way but I can promise it is not.

I look at tariffs, at the cost of living, the price of raising children (all things I needn’t tell you about) and I can see how people could be trying to cut out absolutely everything. I’m in a place where I can budget in these things; build my community, but admittedly there were years where I was not.

This is me saying that two things can be true; it’s not you, you deserve to prioritize your wellbeing and receive acknowledgment and support, and some people are not in a place where they can.

Please do not undersell yourself, or feel like you need to bear a disproportionate amount, is really what I mean.

As a thought on a personal level; could I gift a year’s subscription? Or is there a way to do a sponsorship? Like maybe there’s “sponsored” public posts from members? In my daydreaming: You could preset a # of posts a month that you could make public and there’s a sponsorship level of support that’s like… 2$ extra, so subscribers can do a basic level or pay a little more to also support public posts? (maybe tiers aren’t an option on substack, though 🤔)

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I renew every year... and I'll keep up that support even if you make it free.

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Full subscriber with the sadface that is the Aussie exchange rate (with that said - it's great if other equator folk want to visit here & Aotearoa New Zealand).

The community that you & Sarah have fostered is rare. To be a haven & safe harbour despite The Horrors? It shows us exactly who you are.

Only you can decide what works best for you. We know how hard you work to keep the lights on. We know that the cost of living is gonna keep doing its thing.

Please know that your art & time & passion & courage & work & consistency is seen, and so very valued

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I am a paid subscriber and will always be. I support you and your art because I can and your poetry makes me feel less alone and you have always been so kind to me. For me, it isn’t just about the content here. I support YOU. Not just Signal Fire.

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