For so long, being me was viewed as not O.K. I was too loud, too honest, too friendly, too ??? It exhausted me to not be me. Now … I just don’t care. If you don’t like me for ME, that’s fine. There are enough who do. And, I will focus on that!
For so long, being me was viewed as not O.K. I was too loud, too honest, too friendly, too ??? It exhausted me to not be me. Now … I just don’t care. If you don’t like me for ME, that’s fine. There are enough who do. And, I will focus on that!
For so long, being me was viewed as not O.K. I was too loud, too honest, too friendly, too ??? It exhausted me to not be me. Now … I just don’t care. If you don’t like me for ME, that’s fine. There are enough who do. And, I will focus on that!