Heavy indeed. Thankful my husband was driving as I listened, instead of me driving, because the blinking back of tears was in abundance this morning.

Heavy, but necessary. Especially this line "More than all things, perhaps, we must seek, we must seek, and we must never stop searching for the shine"

Thank you for being part of the light and part of the shine. Your words hold so much meaning to so many people (and not just the 9 that you say listen to this podcast).

P.S. Happy birthday to Griff.

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Thank YOU for being part of the shine. Together, we all just GLOW. What a thing. I am sorry for the tears.

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All the love to you, as per usual.

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Just what I needed to hear this morning! The universe always knows what to put in front of my senses. I think allowing oneself to be in the darkness gives a reset to the soul, and it’s important to know what things trigger oneself back into the light. This weekly podcast is part of my light! I’m appreciative of your words all those on here that take the time to connect through your writings.

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Thank you! To know I'm any part of your light at all each week means more than I can possibly say. Truly.

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So so beautiful! A rallying cry to all of us in despair, your words are a beacon of hope. An echo of Saicho's teachings: "...true riches are not material things but that which shines light into a dark corner." Thank-you Tyler, for sharing the light.

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YES! A RALLYING CRY, a Signal Fire in the dark ! Thank YOU for sharing Yours.

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I needed to hear this. And I need it when I feel like giving up. So if I'm one of the nine people that listen, know that I'll save this one and come back and listen time and time again. I'm slowly learning to turn my dumpster fire life into the bonfire other people need. I give up too many times wondering why the hell I even try. But we can't escape this reality easily so I can learn to make the best of it. Thank you.

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Jun 2Liked by Tyler Knott Gregson

LOVE THIS-> “I'm slowly learning to turn my dumpster fire life into the bonfire other people need.” I hope you keep adding fuel to your bonfire!

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Ahh what a beautiful sentiment, to turn our fire into something that calls others in, to warm.

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Thank you!!

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Number 10 here. Thanks for the great Signal Fire and I also enjoyed The Matchbook.

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Always! It's a pleasure!

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Lost it… going through a difficult time and really needed this🥹

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If you need us, we're here. I hope all heals.

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Thank you for loving this community with everything you've got -- I hope you feel it reciprocated. You and Lady G deserve all of the love and light you pour out... And more.

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Thank YOU for being here, for loving this community as we do. I hope you know how much value you add, and always have. It means the world. Truly.

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mmmmmmm. beautiful. your light is warmth. your light is comfort. your light is love.

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I just read your work for the first time and subscribed. I wrote you a note on why. Your passage: "To become what we will become we must embrace what we have been. Each journey of self-discovery begins here, the acceptance of things we cannot shift, cannot wish away. Understanding the shadows of our lives as creatures inevitable and merciless is the start of this growth." As someone striving for elevated consciousness, I'm well-acquainted with the need to befriend our shadow as well as our light. I'm not doing so great on embracing what I have been ... Thank you!

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I have been lucky. So very lucky. To have a harem of men who are gentle with me. Who will dust me off & feed me & remind me that I am fiercely tiny.

They were boys once. Boys who let me buy them Easter bunnies & let me take them shopping to buy their mamas chocolates in May. They were the real life adventurers that I had to Typewriter Tyler.

Who sat in "tired boyfriend chairs", and pretended to be my Boyfriend when I returned to the fold - their sparkly Thumbelina thrivingly single.

Because it was rough Out There. The Fresh Meat community change maker & campaigner & digicomms maven in a sea of Commerce folk blowing off steam, and pairing off to rinse & repeat the following Friday.

The best thing? They show up. Two decades later. Their Pippi Longstocking Beastie. It has been so hard to return to them. So much to work on - face to stop saving, and guards to let down. But, oh. It has been worth it.

And, you. We now get to chase the light with you & Lady G. What. A. Gift.

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Chasers of the Light. Only those who have truly known the darkness are compelled to chase the light and then when they find it, they reflect it back out with such a brightness that their shine can be blinding. When you don't know the darkness, the light can be taken for granted or even found to be a bother. Your light is too bright they may say. It hurts my eyes and I need to look away. But for those in the depths of the darkness who see that faint shine in the distance, your light is everything. It pulls them up to the surface just in time to grasp for air and bask in the warmth. Like moths who once knew the darkness of the cocoon and thought it would never end, we chase the light that gave us wings and showed us to fly.

We, here with you, are drawn to your light Tyler, as you remind us that the darkness is not permanent and that we should always chase the light! Please know that even if it seems like your words are only heard by like 9 people, (though I am sure there are many more who listen and just don't respond or react) those 9 people are taking your light and reflecting it out to 9 others who then share it with 9 others and so on and so on until a vast community around the world has been illuminated by the same flame. Your flame. Candle by candle. Which is to say, you're pretty effin' rad!

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You are so amazing and such a gem here. I hope you know this. I hope you know all the light you see in me, is in you. All of it. All.

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