Mine is more a returning rather than a beginning. I wish to prioritize my sankalpa: “The world desires the truth of itself; I possess, as well as seek, every truth”. Lately I have become somewhat complacent in the search. I wish to return to the exploration once again.

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As the sun warms the earth where I live, I reboot better health habits. I cannot seem to prevent my annual decline that begins some time mid-January and continues until spring arrives- usually with the time change. It’s as if I am literally running out of energy to manage everything- so fitness goes out the window -which is the very thing that keeps me feeling well, physically but most importantly, mentally. Silly me- but I seem paralyzed to stem the descent- until spring comes. We’ve only had a few, tantalizing warm days so far- heck, we had a dusting of snow last night. But you see the signs of life in nature and feel the collective hope. I’ve covered the treadmill in the garage until next winter, and have been heading outside for more runs. The decision to lace up and head outside always spurs other positive decisions. I’m sure Tyler will agree, also living in a place where winter is long, dark, and cold, the coming of spring warmth and the rebirth of life is particularly sweet. We survived another winter yet again; we made it to the other side. And now it’s time to get moving and enjoy all that the next short six months has to offer, before we go around this again.

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Sooooooo what about us southern hemispherians? (not a word, I know.)

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How do you experience spring? Rebirth?

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Well done!!! Again

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My partner and I were just discussing yesterday where the 'easter' name came from and such similar questions! I find myself often with the reminder that every day is a rebirth and a chance a something new and fresh - whether that be the view of the day, shifting thoughts, or looking for new ways to experience things.

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