Aim Out And Not In | 12.20.20
Easy to say, so immensely difficult to put into practice. How do we aim out, and not in? How do we shift our focus from that of introspection and self-centeredness, to that of outward compassion, to the empathetic connection to all sentient beings that flow in and out of our lives? The bigger question, hiding behind this, is what becomes of us when we do this, when we truly restructure how we see the world from one that is self-motivated to one where we are no longer the sun at the center of our own universe? By no means am I an expert in this field, I struggle with this just as much as anyone else and I am quite positive I get caught up in that dangerous game of putting ourselves first, but I do know how hard I’ve been trying over the last two dozen years to change. I also can speak first hand of how much better you feel when you do try, even at first, even a little.
Something strange and beautiful occurs the more we move ourselves away from our own motivations, our own desires. Soon after we actually begin putting in the work, we start to see things clearer, we start to feel the shift of perspective, and it starts to feel easier. What’s more, and what’s altogether surprising for anyone who does this, is how much happier WE feel in the process. Joy comes easier, peace, too. As the haiku says, others instead of ourselves…This is where we start. Only start, as this road is a long one, and we’ve nothing but time to travel on it.
Aim out and not in,
others instead of ourselves.
This is where we start.
Haiku on Life by Tyler Knott Gregson
Song of the Day
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