This mind is a noisy one, and as someone on the Autism Spectrum, life can become overwhelming and often. To find a source of calm, of peace, is invaluable and I spent so much of my life without one. My advice to you, take it or leave it, is to seek out that peace, that harbour in the tempest of your life, and hold on tight. This doesn’t have to be a person, it can be anything, anywhere, and it can belong only to you. Find your harbour, find your calm, find the place inside yourself that is free from the ache and noise of life. It’s worth it, I swear.
To the noise in here
you are silence and comfort.
You are peace and calm.
Haiku on Life by Tyler Knott Gregson
Just wanted to once again thank all of you for embarking on this new journey with me. I don’t know why, but it already feels so much more intimate, so much more Real, to be connecting with you this way. So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. Please feel free to share this with anyone you think may enjoy it, to spread the news.
Find your harbour....wow. What a beautiful image. Thank you.
My harbour, my home in my mind, seems to be my only safe place. One day, I WILL make it a reality (manifesting so hard)! Thank you for reminding me to hold onto it with both hands and my whole heart. I’m so glad we can help support you and your wife!