I’ve thought about this more over the last few months. I have a friend who’s birthday falls at the beginning of November, and she talked about how her mom finds it “rude” when people don’t call on birthdays. Not just a text or a Facebook “happy birthday!” But a phone call. I wouldn’t go so far as to agree that it’s coming from a place of being rude, but I’m understanding to a fault, I know people are busy. And then my birthday came, at the start of December, I turned 30, and since that conversation I was very aware that I got 2 phone calls- one from that friend, and one from my mom, and it definitely hit a little different. Since then, I’ve felt like I’ve noticed I’m not as connected with friends and family as I’d like to be, no specific fault to them or me, but this signal fire really hits on that mark. It’s too easy to not be deeply connected with other people but that’s what we all desperately need right now. Thank you for the space for reflection

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Wow, first, I am so sorry that happened to you, but 2nd, maybe in a weird way, it was absolutely for the best. Now we know. We cannot rely on this false world of social media anymore. It's broken, it's always been broken. THank you for being here, and for reflecting IN this space. Means a lot.

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I have been looking for ways to foster connection in my life. It had not occurred to me that it's as easy as picking up the phone on a birthday. Thank you for this gem to help jump start building connection in these uncertain times.

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:) Simple solutions usually are the most powerful. Turns out, these stupid mini-computers we carry around all the time, are actually better as just a phone. ;)

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I took my birthday off of facebook over a decade ago. In that time, the average birthday wishes I get from non parental figures is 2-3. Automated thoughtfulness is a great way to put it. It’s half of the reason I don’t do the socials anymore. (The other half is people just pissing me off). I don’t know when it became okay to just put a heart on a post now and then and call it connection. I prefer a phone call, but even a simple text just to say hi now and then is fine.

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I did the same thing with Facebook. I figure that a real “friend” knows when it’s my birthday without FB reminding them.

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So brilliant. I'd rather get nothin than 100 fake somethins :) The WORST thing Apple ever invented, is the "like" text message reaction thing. 99% of my texts now are just someone "hearting" the thing I said rather than responding.

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Yes Tyler!!! I've been putting this into practice this past year and it's been life changing!!! My new group of friends has become so close just by caring authenticity for each other! We started expressing to each another what would e most meaningful to us and then we show up weird and true for each other!!! A surprise homecoming party after a work trip. An impromptu chili night when someone felt a need to take care of others to fill a spot in their heart. Showing up to a concert that isn't exactly our cup of tea to support a friend's family member and laughing together so much. It's magic and it can be done in small penniless ways often! I'm finding ways to do it for strangers too and it's making At least my world a better place to exist in!

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Ellie this is so fantastic. Just like Tori ↓ was saying, and I am so happy to hear, that more people are finding REAL, analog friends, rather than the make-believe world of social media contacts. What a perfect thing, and we need it now more than ever.

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I’ve been deeply craving this. My friends and I have been talking about finding ways to live a more analog life. I wrote letters to friends who don’t live near me. And I received text messages back from them expressing their gratitude and how much they loved the letters. At first, I was disappointed that they decided to text me back instead of write me back. But then, like you, I decided it didn’t matter whether my mailbox becomes full. Maybe they aren’t in the space yet to return this analog way of living. But I’m hoping that as I start to live it out more boldly, maybe it will inspire the people around me to pick up those habits too.

I spent this week doomscrolling - on accident, of course - and by late last night I was feeling heavy and overwhelmed and like the world is full of struggling and suffering and it’s all out of my hands. But I decided that means I need to lean deeper into my analog life and physical community. And I really do believe that other people are beginning to wake up and feel the same. It gives me hope of a quiet revolution that brings relationship back into the forefront of our lives.

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I wish everyone had groups of friends that strive for a more analog life. We need it, so desperately. I hope with all my hopes you find it, you keep it, and it just makes things so much richer.

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Another birdiebird in House Maximalist.

(Like this surprises you & Lady G.)

Love out loud.

Do it on purpose.

Do you know what a gift it is to be this side of the Rainbow Bridge?

Act like it.

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So true!

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:) You're amazing.

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No. YOU are 😊.

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Today, I received a handmade bracelet in the mail- from a very thoughtful participant in our clown training group last October. There is a red bead in the middle that looks like a clown nose! Rather than just acknowledge this electronically via Messenger, you have inspired me to buy a card and write a longer message to send through snail mail.

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You have no idea how much I adore this. Thank you for sharing it. Here's to ANALOG FRIENDSHIPS!

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Ok, maybe I am the one with poor grammar, but I hate that facebook's prompts are always "Happy Birthday, Name!" Insert Emojis.

Who actually uses that comma?? That is the tell for me to know when someone only presses the automated post button! Either way, I do try to send a personal thank you to each person and connect with them, even if it is to ask them to make a donation! I always add a bit of personal connection!

If I wish you happy birthday there is no pause and I am all caps shouting it from the mountain tops! I prefer a long audio message of me singing happy birthday where I add a really long one breathed run on sentence about why and how much I love them to the end. And I am the queen of JibJabs in my family. Though the novelty has worn off, I still rock them here and there for my most beloved! We must actively fight the automation of our emotions! I read a thing on the internet that said they are purposely dumbing down movies and tv shows so that we won't notice when it switched to fully AI content. We can't let that happen! We need to keep art and love and our creative expression generated from our souls!

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