
TKG, Lady G, Mr. Isakov, and every single one of you light chasing, signal firing, sparks of love - whether we have met or not - I LOVE YOU 🤟🏼


Nothing else need be said.

Let’s just all be lovers today!

In the words of those great philosophers, Tears For Fears, may we be “Sowing the seeds of love” with all in which we cross paths today…and even some that we don’t. Make that call, send that text or email, write that poem/song, paint that mural…Beloved, let us love one another! 💕

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I love you my friend. Always. I love this message, and I hope so many heeded it.

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I love this. Puts me into a better perspective. Thank you!

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This is just so dang beautiful!

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Pssst....so are you. :)

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& I love Love’s caveat!

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:) I'm so glad you're here.

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This last week, I had some donors visiting and I was showing them my little jungle house/office that sits over the water among the vines that hide it away from plain sight. As I introduced my three cats and my dog, it a little bit made me feel self conscious that I'm a 45 year old single lady with three cats and a dog. I found the need to mention that I had recently come out of a long term relationship, as if to justify my abundance of pets. Because, one minute you're all settled down with a man and a dog and a gaggle of cats, and with a couple of screenshots from some woman you never knew existed, your whole existence turns out to be a lie and suddenly, you're a single cat lady in her mid forties with a senior dog who sometimes pees the bed.(The dog, not me!)

This lovely couple said the nicest thing after I had told them about my breakup, over a year ago now. I came to sit with them and she said, Heather, we were just talking about how now is the time for you to find your forever love. It was the day after Valentine's Day. Valentines Day was the 21st anniversary of their first date. They were both divorced and met online. Now, they are world travellers, living their best lives and very much in love. They're words, but also the sureness of how they said it lifted my heart and reminded me that I need to open my heart to finding my forever love because it is destined to be. I have a huge heart and I give so much love all day, everyday, in everything that I do. I am not sad or lonely, but I think that there is a part of my heart that is waiting for someone to share all of who I am, and I think that maybe I forgot to truly believe that for a while. So it was a gift to be reminded that there is still so much more time left in this life to love on new levels I have never known. Because love is like the rays of the sun caught in a prism. Bent and fractured into all the shades of the rainbow.

Coincidentally, when I was showing them my little house, of all the things on my walls, what stood out to them the most was the poem that Tyler had sent me. As a blended family, it really spoke to them and their love for each others' children and grandchildren. They don't use the word step in their home they said. Here is the poem that also means so much to me and my chosen family and that I am so grateful to have in my life. Thank you again Tyler for sharing your great big heart with this world and reminding us to love with all our might!

We need not the blood

for some love is much deeper

We are the chosen

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OMG! Heather, this is so amazing!

The work you do…

The life you live…

The love you give…

There are still so many chapters in your book to be written…

So many haikus that are only a gleam in the eye of some lovely human…

Out there knowing that their forever love is also longing for that connection…

Stars align and paths cross and the pages of your biography blossoms into the beautiful that you so deserve!

A hearty “Holá” and “Mucho Amor” to all of our friends in Guatemala!

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Adam, as always, you're just so amazing.

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You are such a magical being, and I'm so glad to know you. So glad to call you friend. I hope you feel that every day. Truly.

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I want to say something here … I love love and love TO love BUT, I've been thrown and curveball in the past few weeks and while I caught it, it stung in my hands and remains there for me to stare at. I really need to throw it back, or, maybe, actually … away.

Some would say I am living a poly life with a husband [who came out as gay so now it is a platonic relationship and I love him as my friend and the father of our daughter. I chose a good man.] and a boyfriend/lover who I love with my entire being even though he is the one who threw the curveball.

He's a kind, loving, and generous soul. So much so that while giving a [female] friend a massage, took into account the rough year she has had and, upon her bold request, he generously gave her a happy ending.

He was honest with me about it, I give him that. He related to me, upon their next soon after visit, that he reiterated [fondling has happened before years ago with her, again with the same forthtelling honesty ] to her the importance of his relationship with me, even though 3,000 miles away we are attached deeply. He said that she seemed disappointed [as, in my opinion, she should].

We discussed it with me telling him, this time, he has taken a slice of trust away from me and if this were to ever happened again, I might not be so understanding. I told him I respect him for telling me as that shows respect to me and our relationship.

I have played with the idea of polyamory, wondering if I could let him go to it if requested. Playing the mind game. But I keep coming back to my dear friend who is the third in a poly relationship and the disappointment she has been met with being the third. The sighing phone calls and texts when 'her' weekend was usurped by the second. The phone calls with her being upset. … why would I want to do that to myself when I am 3, 000 miles away and she is right there? The answer comes back that I might try, but in the long run … could I love her even though I do not trust her further than I could throw her? At the moment, with the sting still fresh, I feel a deep no.

It's a hypothetical test I did not ask for.

All this, and I am a very loving and accepting person. Except for this one woman who has been pursuing 'him'.

Man. I vomited words here, but I only have my therapist to talk to about this. She gives him props for being so forthcoming [as do I] … BUT … there is still that 'but'.

Thanks for reading/listening. I agree full heartedly that love is love, is love, is love, is love … I see too far into a future that may never happen. But I like to be prepared!

So, where is my love in the present? Here, yet hesitant … and that seems unfair to me. So, I will take back the present … and … love. {throws hands up in the air in surrender … to love.]

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I am liking this not because of the pain I read but because you just laid your soul bare on the altar of love and trust…

Even though that “slice of trust” was taken from you - I hope your honesty and openness will fill that spot because you have a community here that you trusted enough to share the hard stuff with.

I know the broken heart of stolen trust and even though every situation is unique - I feel your pain!

I am not one to give answers or opinions to any one else’s relationship - I am a poster child for chaos (before my current relationship with my girlfriend). I applaud your path of adventurous love - I’m such a “jealous” fella I think that would wreck my mind 🤪…

Anyway - burn some sage, open yourself to the sky, breathe deep, and resonate with the chasers of light - may grace and peace follow you today 📿🙏🏼

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Adam ... thank you so very! not sure i would really be up to him seeing someone else.

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You know your heart…be true to you!

And don’t let any man (or woman or otherwise) steal your happiness!

You are of great worth.

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